NTR – Partial Preterism and Historicism Debunked – Part 1

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[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/Chris%20White%20-%20Partial%20Preterism%20Debunked.mp3]

Preterism-70adThis is a two our edit of an audio that I did for a friend to refute the partial preterism of R.C. Sproul / Hank Hanegraaff. This first audio also has elements that will debunk “Historicism” but the main debunking of that will be in part 2.

I also edited in a lengthy debunking of the idea that the Jesuits; Manuel Lacunza and Francisco Ribera were the inventors of dispensationalism or alternatively the Future antichrist/tribulation/rapture idea.

I also do a lengthy verse by verse refutation of the partial preterist view of Matthew 24 as well as other passages.

Show Notes:

A great resource on preterism debunking

Refutation of the Jesuit conspiracy written by a Calvanist

The real Manuel Lacunza and the Adventist connection to him written by an Adventist:

A refutation of Historicism:

My commentary on Daniel 9:

Debunking the day year theory:

Mystery Babylon – Launched

Well the book is now officially launched! Thanks for all of you that helped early on with reviews. It is now available in paperback as well as for Kindle.

Check out the trailer and if you like it consider sharing it with someone.


“And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” – Revelation 17:18

Which city is this that reigns over all the kings of the earth? Rome? New York? Mecca?

There are over 90 Characteristics given in the book of Revelation about the city of Mystery Babylon, and none of these three cities meets all of the criteria.

But there is one city that does…or should I say will….For a full description go to Amazon

Jerusalem mystery babylon

What People are saying:


If you would like to have Chris on your show or guest post on your blog email him at: chris@chriswhiteministries.com

NTR – Help With Unbelieving Spouse’s – Getting Out of a Spiritual Rut – And My Top 16 Favorites Podcasts

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/Chris%20White%20-%20NTR_92013.mp3]
After a few show notes I answer the following questions:

1.) What can you do to increase the chances of the conversion of an unbelieving spouse?
2.) How do you get out of a spiritual rut?
3.) What are my favorite podcasts?

Show notes:

Spiritual Rut:


Verse by Verse Teaching:
Damien Kyle
David Guzik
Stephen Armstrong

Reasonable Faith
Apologetics 315

Desiring God 

Biblcal Prophecy Program
Prewrath Radio Online

Dan Carlin Hardcore history
History of Rome
Common Sense with Dan Carlin
Boag World

News and info
Revelations Radio News
Corbett Report 
Dr Stan (Radio Liberty)
Alex Jones Show

NTR – Productivity Tips, Halloween, and Syria

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/Chris%20White%20-%20NTR_9_13_13.mp3]
I talk about a lot of things including the link between “Leaky Gut” and miscarriages. I mention Lisa Chan’s video series, the fact that I want to hire a person for the sleep paralysis project and a few other notes before answering these three questions.

1.) What are some tips to help be productive and save time?
2.) Should Christians celebrate Halloween?
3.) Does the current Syria situation have anything to do with Bible prophecy?

Show notes:

Leaky Gut articles mentioned:

Lisa Chan videos:

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated)
Mind Map App:
Gmail Streak: