This is an interview with Victor LaBarbera from “Victor’s Story” I encourage you to listen to that show before listening to this one, but it isnt absolutely necessary.
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Probably best known for his debunkumentaries of New Age fallacies such as the Zeitgeist movement, the 2012 phenomenon and more recently, the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series, our special guest, Chris White joins us to share about his testimony and growing ministry for the Lord. Shows Website
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This was novemeber 24ths show with guest Chris White , we talked about ancient aliens debunked film he released recently as well as many other interesting topics that come together to try and expose the agenda of evil that surrounds us please share and enjoy. Show Link
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Chris White, prolific producer of countless painstakingly-researched “debunkumentaries”, joins me to discuss his work on ‘Zeitgeist : The Movie’, the teachings of David Icke, The History Channel’s ‘Ancient Aliens’ series, and his documentary ‘The New Age & Its Relationship to the Antichrist.’ …is Jesus a myth? … are we all the products of extra-terrestrial genetic engineering? Chris White explains.
I interviewed Dr. Michael Heiser last Friday. We talked about all kinds of subjects related to the re-release of his novel The Facade. topics like Roswell and its possible connection to Operation Paperclip check it out here:
Related Resources:
I talk about joy, what to do to get it, and what not to do if you want your joy to be full according to the Bible.
Joy in the bible, scriptures about Joy.
A controversial passage, but a very important one in Bible Prophecy. Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a statue. I will discuss several possible interpretations of this chapter. This is a companion study to the contemporaneous beast view which I discuss in a previous post. This study posits that the last part of the statue (the legs and feet) of Daniel 2 is referring to Rome, not a revived Rome but rather the weak and divided end of the Roman Empire and that the rock that destroys the statue must be the kingdom of God and not Christ if one is to be hermeneutically consistent.
I talk about possible new projects like:
The Rationality of the Flood, DMT, The not-so-muslim Antichrist, the Sabbath, and Sleep Paralysis.
Tonight we spoke with Chris White about his new “debunkumentary” Ancient Aliens Debunked. We spoke about how he became interested in the topic of Ancient Aliens, his motivations for making the film, and what he feels is behind the push for belief in the Ancient Alien’s Theory.
IT IS our honor to welcome back a man who has created a whole new genre of film–the “debunkumentary”. This time, he takes aim at what seems to be a key element in the programming of the History Channel the last couple of years, the theory that humanity was visited — and perhaps created — by ancient astronauts from another world.
With the help of respected ancient language expert and Bible scholar, Dr. Michael Heiser, Chris White has produced a three-hour film, Ancient Aliens Debunked (available to watch online for free — click here), that is a must-see for anyone who’s ever wondered about the pyramids, ancient megaliths, the Nazca Lines, the Annunaki, Ezekiel’s Wheel, or any number of other apparent historical anomalies.
In short, Chris demonstrates how proponents of the ancient aliens theory are either woefully uninformed or deliberately spreading a lie.
First up on this week’s show, documentarian Chris White joins us to share his opinion that the “Ancient Aliens” theory is simply wrong. During part two of the program, journalist James Renner tells us tales of weird Ohio that he covers in his new book It Came From Ohio.
Tonight we talk to Chris White about his new “debunkumentary” Ancient Aliens Debunked, a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. We discuss the ancient alien idea, its promulgation in pop culture, and the agenda behind it. We also talk about Chris’ “debunkumentary” work, including the Zeitgeist Challenge.
Basil and Gonz are joined by the debunking guru, Chris White. In his latest debunkumentary, Ancient Aliens Debunked, Chris takes down many of the claims made by ancient astronaut theorists featured on the show Ancient Aliens on the History Channel.
Why is there a tacit endorsement of Ancient Aliens, and aliens in general, by mainstream media and culture? How can a Christian world view accept the existence of extra terrestrials, and why does the media and culture assume that the existence of aliens and Christianity are mutually exclusive? Join us as we answer these questions and more with special guest Chris White.
I talk about the debate among scholars regarding the sphinx and propose a solution to this long standing mystery. I also talk about Yonaguni the so called “Japanese Atlantis” and why I as well as others think it is a natural not man-made rock.
Then I end the show by talking about two practical issues in hopes of helping others who have similar issues namely introversion and “Leaky Gut”
Philip Coppens, who appears often in the Ancient Aliens series responded to “Ancient Aliens Debunked” yesterday in this article called “Debunking Ancient Aliens Debunked.”
I will quote sections of that article and respond in this post. I will try not to leave out any important points he makes. (more…)
I mention some of the good things that have been going after the release of Ancient Aliens Debunked. I also mention a pet theory I have regarding the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11.
I’m happy to say it’s finally out and ready to be viewed and shared.
It’s a little over 3 hours long so I decided to give people options on how to view it, whether all at once, or in chapters. You can go to the website and decide which way you like best.
It was produced by Chris White and includes commentary from Dr. Michael Hesier.
It is distributed for free on the internet and is a completely non-profit project. Viewers are encouraged to share on Facebook, Twitter etc., and burn copies to DVD, as long as they do not profit from its distribution.
Feel free to upload this to your Youtube channels and similar sites as well, but beware of potential copyright claims from the History Channel (A & E.) I believe that all the material used from them in this film is legal under “Fair Use,” as it is non-profit, and for the purpose of critique. But they still may try to take the video down from the various sites you have uploaded it to. Some of you may have noticed they did this with the trailer.
You can download the video by using sites like (very easy)
After you download a copy you can also burn it to DVD by using a very simple and free program like Freemake Video Converter (also very easy)
I give the long version of the Planet X debunking from my recent research about it. Particularly the writings of Marshall Masters, but it applies to many others as well.
I give a few updates about Ancient Aliens Debunked, and ask for some assistance.
I also talk about how eschatological viewpoints affect worldview and even Christian growth.
I give a sure fire way for debunking most planet X theories.
I talk about an epiphany I had in the hospital the other day. I play a short sermonet I wrote in Africa about commitment and talk about the upcoming Ancient Aliens Debunked film, and why I will be in hermit mode until its completed.
I talk about a developing theory of interpreting mythologies around the world. As well as more on several types of biblical repentance.
I talk about the recent research for Ancient Aliens Debunked regarding Baalbek as well as some updates about the trip to Africa.