In this episode I try to take a more systematic approach to debunking imminence proof texts. I mention some of the arguments that I have recently been developing as well, though they may need some polishing.
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In this episode I try to take a more systematic approach to debunking imminence proof texts. I mention some of the arguments that I have recently been developing as well, though they may need some polishing.
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In this episodes I talk about the Mark of the Beast and try to draw some conclusions about what it is and what it isnt. I also talk about the possibility of forced vaccinations and the inevitable “papers please” situation that would follow. I also shoehorn in some thoughts on the idea of a new Federal blockchain currency.
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In this episode I start off talking about how the prewrath film is now fully funded, and where we are in terms of production. I then talk a lot about coronavirus, like why I see a little bit of hope on the horizon, even if its wishful thinking. Also some thoughts about hedging against inflation, and God being our strong tower.
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First of all I talk about my thoughts about the coronavirus in general, as I have been following it pretty closely and and more or less fascinated by it, partially because of the possibility of it sparking a revolution in China. In the second half of the podcast I talk about why I dont think this #covid19 virus has anything to do with Bible prophecy, but I also explain what kind of criteria a virus needs to have in order to be a match for the one found in Matthew 24 or Revelation 6.
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In this podcast, I talk about some really exciting updates to the prewrath film for a while and then get in to some thoughts on the news, or what passes for news, and how it is effecting the perception of conservatives in general and Christians in particular.
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In this episode I mainly lay out the case for the Archangel Michael being the restrainer of 2 Thessalonians 2. I also finish up the series on Mark Hitchcock that I started in the last podcast..
Notes: MICHAEL, THE RESTRAINER REMOVED (2 THESS. 2:6—7) by Colin Nicholl
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This is part 1 of my critique of the arguments that Dr. Mark Hitchcock made for the pretrib rapture position during the 2011 Pre-Trib Study Group Conference from the Pre-Trib Research Center. You can see the original presentation without edits here
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In this episode I talk about the laundry list of explicit precursors to the Day of the Lord in the Bible and how they relate to the rapture debate. I also go through the three options that pretibulationalists have to deal with this problem, none of them are particularly good.
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In this episode I speculate about what life after death might really be like, and then get into some issues surrounding the interpretations of the parable of the weeds and how the average pretrib interpretation inevitably leads to a very weird place.
Revelation 14:14-16 Pictures the Rapture – Orange Mailman Blog
Contemporary Interpretative Problems: — The Resurrection of Israel – John Walvoord
A Reply to Jeff Durbin’s Mishandling the ‘Left Behind’ Passage – Alan Kurschner
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In this podcast I continue talking about how modern pretribulationalist are attempting to solve the problems of pretribs past. Dr. Craig Blaising seems to be in the forefront of this movement.
I also mentioned Alan Kurschners new audiobook which now on Audible. You can get a free copy by signing up for a free trial here:
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In this episode I talk about the recent meme contest which I think went really well. I also talk about how the pretrib interpretation of Matthew 24 causes some major issues. I try to show that they know its bad, and have been scrambling in the last decade or so to find a solution.
My Twitter:
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In this episode I talk about how the news about politics has become a lot like watching sports, and how its not a good idea to put out hopes in justice in this world, though I think we should strive for it. I also go through the idea of imminence and overuse the word “absurd.”
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I muse on some lessons from the excellent book the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and how it (kind of) pertains to Hong Kong. The main part of the podcast though is about the complete lack of consensus among pretribulationalist regarding 2 Thessalonians 2, otherwise known as pretrib Kryptonite. Check Out
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It really is great to be back podcasting on Bible Prophecy Talk I have missed it! So in this first podcast back, I talk about what I have been doing, and why I have decided to polish off my podcasting microphone.
Spoiler alert! Alan Kurschner and I are working on a new Prewrath film project, which I am super excited about, so check out the website and fundraising trailer here:
In the rest of the podcast I talk about the state of the world and its decent into madness, and my take on how this all should be viewed in light of history and Christian history in particular. I also try to answer the age ol’ question, i.e. where are we on the prophetic time table?
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Hey everyone. I just wanted to write a quick note to let you all know what I have been up to the past year or so and how I have been doing.
I havent been writing or putting out podcasts and videos for some time now and that is mostly due to me feeling I have said all the things that I wanted to say when I started.
Toward the end there I was just grasping at topics to talk about that I felt only mildly interested in simply because I thought I needed to say something just to keep putting out content. It felt stale and unauthentic and I didnt care for it.
I decided to just wait to start up again until I feel the same passion for a topic that I had originally. I honestly dont know if that means Im done or not. I cant imagine that I will be done for good, but it is a possibility.
I have just been living a normal life here in North Georgia with my wife, we run a small business together and are as happy as can be. Its actually my birthday today too! Im 37, how about that?
Regarding my Youtube channel:
I recently noticed that my primary Youtube channel “Knowhweretorun1984” was taken down. It was due to the 3 strike copyright infringement rule Youtube has. I normally would have filed a counter claim with Youtube but my Youtube mail hasnt been coming to my main inbox lately and I didnt even notice I was being hit with copyright strikes. Long story short, after contacting Google There seems to be nothing I can do about it.
Thankfully I do have a backup channel which is in good standing. It has many of the same videos. When I get a chance I will be putting some more of the other videos from the other channel up there.
Thanks for all your concern and emails I miss you all and hope to be back before too long.
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[audio:]Chris White: September Convergence. We welcome back Chris White from Nowhere To Run and Bible Prophecy talk. Chris joins us to discuss the 27 items on the September convergence list. Topics covered include: The modern Sanhedrin, Mosaic law, Shemitah, The rapture & the Day of the Lord and much much more.
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[audio:]This is part 2 of a multi media study on the book of Revelation. This is the audio of the study.
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[audio:]I am starting a new study on the book of Revelation today!
This is just the audio the video and text will be posted when each chapter is completed.
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[audio:]In this episode I play two chapters from my upcoming book Islamic Antichrist Debunked. These chapters deal with Islamic Eschatology. I attempt to show the true origins of Islamic end times beliefs and why the things Islamic Antichrist proponents say about them are wrong.
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[audio:]In this episode I play the audio from my upcoming book The Islamic Antichrist Debunked about the idea that Mystery Babylon is Saudi Arabia.
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[audio:]In this episode I discuss the reasons why I believe that Alexi Tsipras, a charismatic Greek politician is not a good canidate for the Antichrist.
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[audio:]In this episode I talk about various issues related to my upcoming book critiquing the Islamic Antichrist theory such as the beheadings in Revelation 20, the “types” arguments, and some logical problems with the Islamic Antichrist idea.
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[audio:]As I have been working on the book/film debunking the Islamic Antichrist theory I had a chance to review the claims of Walid Shoebat’s theory that the mark of the beast is not a number (666) but is really a combination of Arabic words and symbols. I discuss the various problems with this theory in this podcast.
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