Philip Coppens, who appears often in the Ancient Aliens series responded to “Ancient Aliens Debunked” yesterday in this article called “Debunking Ancient Aliens Debunked.”
I will quote sections of that article and respond in this post. I will try not to leave out any important points he makes. (more…)
I mention some of the good things that have been going after the release of Ancient Aliens Debunked. I also mention a pet theory I have regarding the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11.
I’m happy to say it’s finally out and ready to be viewed and shared.
It’s a little over 3 hours long so I decided to give people options on how to view it, whether all at once, or in chapters. You can go to the website and decide which way you like best.
It was produced by Chris White and includes commentary from Dr. Michael Hesier.
It is distributed for free on the internet and is a completely non-profit project. Viewers are encouraged to share on Facebook, Twitter etc., and burn copies to DVD, as long as they do not profit from its distribution.
Feel free to upload this to your Youtube channels and similar sites as well, but beware of potential copyright claims from the History Channel (A & E.) I believe that all the material used from them in this film is legal under “Fair Use,” as it is non-profit, and for the purpose of critique. But they still may try to take the video down from the various sites you have uploaded it to. Some of you may have noticed they did this with the trailer.
You can download the video by using sites like (very easy)
After you download a copy you can also burn it to DVD by using a very simple and free program like Freemake Video Converter (also very easy)
I give the long version of the Planet X debunking from my recent research about it. Particularly the writings of Marshall Masters, but it applies to many others as well.
I give a few updates about Ancient Aliens Debunked, and ask for some assistance.
I also talk about how eschatological viewpoints affect worldview and even Christian growth.
I give a sure fire way for debunking most planet X theories.
I talk about an epiphany I had in the hospital the other day. I play a short sermonet I wrote in Africa about commitment and talk about the upcoming Ancient Aliens Debunked film, and why I will be in hermit mode until its completed.
I talk about a developing theory of interpreting mythologies around the world. As well as more on several types of biblical repentance.
I talk about the recent research for Ancient Aliens Debunked regarding Baalbek as well as some updates about the trip to Africa.
I try to give an explanation of the doctrine of Christian Liberty in regard to the sabbath, and talk about some of the common objections, as well as discuss some upcoming projects. Show Notes: Sabbath in Christ Book: (Written by a former Seventh Day Adventist university professor)
I talk about some of the research on the Anunnaki for the upcoming video project “Ancient Aliens Debunked”
I talk about all kinds of things, from recent projects, I ask some questions about the survival mentality in relationship to the bible, and I look at little closer at Daniel 2:43
I talk about the upcoming debunking of Ancient Aliens, a recent experience with Psalm 18, and discipline.
Show Notes:
RRN Weekly RRN Classics
This is the second evangelism session I will be doing in Kenya.
My notes for this can be downloaded here:
I play the audio from two new videos about Africa as well as play the first session I will be doing at the Pastors conference in Kenya on Evangelism.
This is the 1st talk on discipleship I will be giving at the Kenya pastors conference in June 2012. It talks about the seriousness that Jesus places on the act of following Him, and it focuses on the importance of the understanding and teaching the Word of God in discipleship, as well as giving many practical ideas for discipleship.
I talk about the upcoming Ancient Aliens debunking project, they dynamics of the Christian / Conspiracy worldview, and the danger of deception in general. I also talk about several other random issues.
First I talk about the new Christianity 101 torrent and Elliot Nesch’s New Film The Real Roots of the Emergent Church
Then I talk about sin issues and some thoughts on repentance and victory.
Then I mention and discuss Philippians 4, and the idea of knowing the secret of abounding and being abased.
[audio:] An interview about disaster relief with Curt Hencye
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About Relief Ministries:
We’ve been called by the Lord to be missionaries. Our
mission field is wherever a disaster strikes. We respond
to an area that has suffered a disaster, helping those
affected get back on their feet as we share the love of
Jesus with them! While serving we remember that
discipleship in the Lord is the most important thing!
[audio:] I talk more about the doctrine of hell. I think part of the reason why there is so much confusion is because bible teachers often don’t teach the long version of the doctrine. I also talk about discipleship and dying well. I conclude with some thoughts on the upcoming trip to Kenya.
Ill be going to Kenya this summer, probably for a little over two months. I will be speaking to up to 400 pastors from Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda about evangelism, discipleship and leadership. There are many projects I hope to complete while there. There is such a lack of materials for them, I have many ideas of how best to bless them which I talk about in this podcast.
This is the audio from an upcoming video about the question of the destiny of the un-evangelized, one of the most common questions in the field apologetics. If you have feedback send it to
Cris Putnam is an author and fellow apologist. He gives his wonderful testimony first and then we talk shop about apologetics and the various issues around the topic.
Was Moses akhenaten?
Did Jesus go to India?
John Todd?
What about the phoenix lights and spacecraft?
Indigo children?
Can good spirits be contacted or channeled?
Is the mark of the beast a chip? Can we be tricked into getting it?
Is David Icke a Freemason or some kind of agent?
What about the 26,000 precession cycle?
What to do if I am dealing with demons?
Show notes:
My new prophecy podcast