
Thanks for your desire to help this ministry. Donations are needed and appreciated. They really do help to keep the various ministries I do going.

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You can also donate on a recurring basis if you prefer:

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Or you can send check or anything else to the following P.O. Box: Chris White Ministries P.O. Box 110984 Nashville, TN 37211 We are a non-profit ministry, and all donations are tax deductible. If you would like to make a donation you can do so at the link below: You can donate the cryptocurrencies below by using the address chriswhite.crypto if you have a compatible crypto wallet. Otherwise you can use the addresses below: BTC bc1q2kq6e7wmdmy84vaya6p4yawz2uwyuguyqhs90w ETH 0xeb4c147cBf89ddd8DCeD8153F88EAD5B9030fFd3 LTC ltc1qvw5277lw8xnmcjlu4epmh2a878excewd00n2jc XRP rEASCn6xK7htqpupiBeasHdboTKZFgp1zn USDC 0xeb4c147cBf89ddd8DCeD8153F88EAD5B9030fFd3