Mystery Babylon Study – Part 3 – Rev 17: 7-11

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One response to “Mystery Babylon Study – Part 3 – Rev 17: 7-11”

  1. Kev Avatar

    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for posting so high-quality documentaries in such prolific manner. The reasonable and sensible way you exert to approach this topics is very appealing to a, not yet, fully convinced believer 🙂

    A off topic-question, though.
    Have you heared Ralph Ellis and his books. Ralph Ellis has written a couple of books (e.g. Jesus – Last of Pharaos), in which Ellis attempts to draw a connection between certain historical, royal figures, and characters from the bible. Some of his suggestions are that Jesus is a descendent of a royal blood line, that Jesus had brothers, one of whom being Judas Iscariot, that the raising of Lazarus was, in fact, a masonic third-degree ceremony (death and resurrection). He also postulates that the betrayal of Jesus by Judas was a scam, a deliberate swindle, that Thomas Didymus was the twin brother of Jesus. Mind boggling claims, for sure.

    But it is not the usual Zeitgeist, Jesus did not exist, line of thought, and it also is, surely, more deceptive than that too.
    Some of his suggestions are quite intruiging and thought provoking although I understand that he can not prove all of his claims beyond any doubts.
    But, how do we know that the way the evangelists portrayed Jesus’s life and his public appearance and works is accurate? Even if there were no deliberate attempts at misrepresenting the original gospel-tale during the years following the completion of the gospels – which I am willing to believe – how can we be sure that the gospel stories, themselves, are accurate, and that there was no agenda of deliberate falsification of how to outline the story by the evangelists themselves?

    My questions is, have you ever looked into his work? Tried to debunk some of his claims, or straighened out the facts?
    I understand it sounds all a tad Dan Brown-ish, or Holy Grail Holy Blood-ish, but he tries to sell his work as non-fiction. And I believe to refute some of his claims would be beneficial to the truth movement.

    I simply do not have enough knowledge of the Bible or History, for that matter, and it takes a great deal of research to double-check all his claims. But you, Chris, being very apt at “debunkmentaries”, might have already had contact with his material.

    You have managed to get me closer to the Christian faith, than anybody before. Through your rebuttals, you have cleary caught my attention – you do make sense. – But this, .. , I just don’t see why all of his theories would be wrong. Does he have an agenda? – Clearly this would question the devinity of Jesus Christ – I need to be sure.

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