Mystery Babylon Study Part 4 – Answers to Questions


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5 responses to “Mystery Babylon Study Part 4 – Answers to Questions”

  1. Chris White Avatar
    Chris White

    Matthew 24 did it for me. Ill send and audio with more info.

  2. JT Avatar

    you’re not wrong in what you say, but you are wrong in omission. There is a remnant clearly discussed in Revelation, being part of Jerusalem, which will escape and not give their loyalty to that Babylon, the Jerusalem which was created by the U.N. mandate…

    This remnant is “Jerusalem” (which will become New Jerusalem) those who continue to follow the E.U./U.N. Israel gov’t and decide on putting themselves under the authority of men (rather than God) and continuing to claim their national legitimacy on the world stage from documents written by men and man’s gov’t will be what you could call “Babylon”

    It will make more sense as the time gets closer.

  3. JT Avatar

    rather, the remnant are those who DO NOT continue to follow…

    what I mean to say is, the faithful believers are the ones who say that their existence does not depend on any power, be it Europe, America, or the U.N.; their existence is a grant of God, not any man. They do not need any man to grant them either peace with their enemies, or define the limits of their borders.

    The decision point is ofcourse, who does Israel want to be king over them?

    Then the ultimate fate of those in the land who don’t make the wise decision, Luke 19:27

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