Nowhere to Run 12/21/10

I talk about recent interviews, progress of Icke project, Worry, seminary, Destiny Lab, and I play a clip from Paul Washer at the end.

Recent interviews with Chris
PID Radio
TIM and Mike show
Hardtail news with Doc

Destiny Lab

Terry Melanson Blog

Full Washer Sermon


9 responses to “Nowhere to Run 12/21/10”

  1. Lana Avatar

    Thanks Chris. I bought “Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret” – definitely sounds like a book I need to read. I also got “Mere Christianity” not too long ago, but I haven’t read it yet. I love reading good Christian books now. 🙂 Thanks for the recommendation and keep up the great work!

    I posted David Icke Debunked on the benotdeceived forum also. They already know you and love you there, so I was surprised to see it wasn’t posted yet. It’s there now. 🙂

  2. Jim Avatar

    Thanks Chris.I’ll check it out later.You’ve come a long way in a short period of thime.Highly impressive.I’ve been at this stuff for over twenty year,when going from a nominal Christian,to a true Christian.Yes,a typical Catholic that thought that Babylonian religion was true.Anyway,keep holding fast the faith.Hope you find out what was the deal at PP forum.Grupp looks like he will oust you-know-who eventually.Pike already laid his cards on the table.Well,hope you don’t fade away.You have done a tremendous job with your videos,and it seems like you want to move on.Hope not.Some of us will spread the links of your Holy Spirit-filled work far and wide.You deal with people well.You don’t bash anyone.Heck,you could’ve told Grupp that Buddhism and Christianity melded together is an oxymoro,but you dealt with other issues on that show.He will grow as the Lord leads him.Also,you handled the “slave” issue in a profound fashion.The Lord is leading you.Don’t walk away from your work now.You have plenty of new age characters and “truther” charlatans to debunk in the near future.God bless you.

  3. Jim Avatar

    Lana,Mere Christianity is a primer for neophytes.But I will say that a deeper study will lead you to understand that Lewis was a metaphysical Christian..a pagan or gnostic,if you will.See the works of the late Meyer..a titan in apologetics[note: his son has written the mewsletter since his demise,so you know.Also,Chris you should go back a decade or two with his newsletters,Amazing info there]….. Some of the best stuff is from the eighties…which I have but is not online.

  4. Jim Avatar

    Lana,thank you for posting the Icke debunked video.Bless you my sister.

  5. Jim Avatar

    NTW,I signed up to the Icke forum to post the Icke debunked video.I was banned over a year ago for sharing the faith.Anyway,it is not in the category another person listed here.Just surf around and you wil find it.Don;t think it was deleted yet.I didn’t start a thread.Just linked it.Am curious about the PP thread as there were a bunch of llinks in another thread to Icke Debunked.I think sonmeone knew the original thread would be wiped out.Now everything is deleted.Unless I’m wrong.It was in the Icke lizard free thread.It is gone now.

  6. Scott Avatar

    Glad the DIP has already been widely viewed, and effective at that. I expect you’re glad to be finished with Icke after all the research that went into it.

    Should you ever feel the need to return to the project though, might I suggest an abridged version? A more condensed, punchy form (say half the length) might reach more casual “truthers”. Don’t get me wrong, the full length one is excellent for Icke aficionados who are familiar with the details of his theories, but for many people I suspect some of the details are superfluous. You’re always in a battle for people’s attention, and 2+ hours is long by any standard. A light backing track would be good too, like the old rapitflybeats on your past videos.

    That’s just some (hopefully) constructive criticism – take it or leave it as you see fit. In any case, great work already, and I hope it continues to reach people (like on the Icke forum ;)).

    As for seminary material, I can’t say I know of much. Having said that much of what is freely available online is of seminary level (in many cases better), and has informed me quite well, particularity from teachers like Missler, Guzik, etc. All I could do is add to that list with teachers like Steve Gregg (TheNarrowPath), who has a complete library of in-depth verse by verse and topical lectures all for free, or David Pawson and his “Unlocking the Bible” videos (almost all uploaded to my Youtube account now). Other good courses are William Lane Craigs “Defenders” podcasts, Ken Boas lectures, and Dr Michael Browns various materials (especially his “Countering The Counter-Missionaries” lectures, all of which are on Youtube).

    God bless.

  7. Lex Avatar

    These new age people will suffer the mother of all Stockholm-syndromes, the Stockholm-syndrome of human history by Lucifer, and on top of that they won’t even know, ’cause they are being prepped now.

  8. maryjo Avatar

    Chris, some comments and thoughts regarding david icke and 12/21 show

    First – Good work on the david icke debunking. I pray for him.

    comments on worry and the bad news revealed by others:
    In my opinion – Worry is not so much a sin (could be) as part of the process – faith does not come all at once (not for me anyway) – would i have gotten to faith without the veil being pulled back on the darkness??? – and that leads to worry – at least for me it did – trusting in God comes from faith and even our faith comes through God’s grace – so this can take time and worry is part of the process – to call it a sin can backfire – salvation comes through belief – when I believe that I am a sinner and I believe in the One God sent – that His death is sufficient to pay the penalty due me for my sins.

    For some that happens quickly and dramatically – it did not happen that way for me and worry was part of what I went through – I focused on this sin-cursed world and knew that without Jesus Christ, we were all done for – but first I had to face the darkness – I think it is easy to be deluded about that and then it is easy to not appreciate what God has done for us through his Son – I finally got it(praise the Lord) – what a wonderful God we have and how much God loves us. I spent lots of time in worry and yes, God did use that for good – but I guess now I would focus on how much we are loved …even if we worry at times – And thank you God for the watchmen – they have a sacred duty and are desperately needed as Satan works overtime to complete his work on this earth. I believe that Dr. Scott Johnson is a watchman and is without fear in telling us of the plots and plans of nwo devils – May God help him in his ministry.

    This from Kingdom Watcher:

    However, if we are called to this watchman ministry, let us be patient in waiting for our placement. If we have a true gift, and manifest the fruit of the Spirit, our gift will make a place for us. Our goal must always be first to gain the endorsement of God, not men. If we want the endorsement of God we must be devoted to truth, integrity, and submission to His Spirit. If it takes others a while to acknowledge our calling, while we are waiting we can grow in grace and discernment (Rick Joyner – The Ministry of a Watchman).

  9. […] Nowhere to Run Full Podcast: Nowhere to Run 12/21/10 Date: 12/21/10 Host: Chris White Topics: Christmas is rooted in pagan traditions… the date […]

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