Nowhere To Run – May 02 2010


I discuss some of the history of how I got started doing this as well as talk about the direction I am going now. I play the entire episode of a brand new project I started with Mike Tatar called Verse by Verse Bible Teaching Podcast

Show Notes:


2 responses to “Nowhere To Run – May 02 2010”

  1. JB Avatar

    Chris White,

    I have watched your video titled ‘Michael Tsarion is wrong’ and feel somewhat dissappointed that what you present is not scholarly rebuttal on his claims, but is instead more a case of slander and libel! Having viewed your blog it appears that this tactic is generally your style of commentary and I could not but notice your picture of the man which has been edited (maybe in Photoshop or Paint) to have him posing like MiniMe from the Austin Powers films! This is slander in a pathetic attempt to satirise your views of the man and in my opinion – and probably many others interested in these fields of debate and discussion, pathetic and immature, which undermines your arguments entirely, even though some of the points you raise are valid.

    I have watched Origins and Oracles and watched what you call a ‘Debunkumentary’ and what shocks me the most is the fact that you do exactly what you claim he is doing, by quoting small snippets of his claims and placing this entirely out of context. One might even believe from your stance that you are simply a strong believer in the Bible, so much so that you feel your beliefs have been threatened by Tsarion’s point of view. Whilst I believe in many of the teachings and concepts of the Bible and other religious teachings/books, I, unlike you do not buy into some of the hypocrosy and lies found in the historic claims of the Bible. You claim that Michael Tsarion is preaching a Lucifarion line and is in fact encouraging people to disregard Christianity! If you have watched the whole presentation, then surely you would see otherwise – if you have any common sense.

    I am by no means saying that everything Michael Tsarion is claiming is write and that he is preaching an all positive message in his teachings, however unlike you, I am aware of the merit in his messages and aware of the points he makes about the lies found throughout theology and in particular, the teachings of Christianity. As I have already said, there is much good to be taken from Christian teachings, as is there much good to be taken from Muslim, Hindu and Judaic teachings. The point here however, is that this area of debate is focusing on alternative series of historic events, but you seem to play the ‘defender of Christainity’ and some kind of confused gaurdian claiming to expose its undoer.

    If Tsarion was slandering the Christain faith then yes I could understand you jumping up and down and attempting to undermine his messages, however the man does not attempt to do this in any way and I dislike the way you try to change what he is saying when you make up some speel about is addendum that is at the end of the presentation, claiming that he is putting a message out there about being violent to those not awake to the new worldly order being established! He makes no such claim, but instead makes a statement that people will need to be prepared for others not being fully aware of what is going on. No claim to the need for violence is made, just reference to the new world order establishmment crashing down.

    In conclusion, I must say that I was shocked and concerned when I read that he had removed videos from Youtube and thought this would be very un-scholarly! I then find the link to your video and can see why he has done this. No-body with any sense of academic integrity will title a piece that ‘someone else is WRONG’! It is simply a false claim in itself, as the whole purpose of debate and academia is to prove that someone my be wrong by presenting evidence contrary to their claims, not by slandering them from the offset/title of the piece and making your own subtle religious beliefs the underpinning factor in your objectives.

    Yes some of his quotes and claims may be scewed somewhat and in some instances inaccuarate, but this does not render what he is trying to convey as some kind of Luciferain stance as you claim it to be. You need to check yourself and your own stance and maybe stop trying to Bible bash people as it ‘seems’ that this is what you are trying to do. One might wander why Google Video and Youtube, among all the other sites ‘you’ claim he has had your video removed from would remove it? Maybe the admins at these sites have all watched it and have themselves agreed that your video is wholly and entirely slanderous and not debateworthy???

    Check yourself and check your tone before you start slandering people who are putting information and knowledge out there.

  2. Lex Avatar

    Yeah Chris how dare you slander anyone putting out info even if it’s satanic new world order new age info you should not say anything because it’s knowledge you are al-qaeda boy

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