NTR – 07/07/2011

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/NTR_7711.mp3]
I talk about a ton of things, including: Time being relative and its biblical implications, Pauliantiy, Seventh Day Adventisim, Alan Watt, the KJV, I do a quick study of Proverbs 2: 1-6 and more.

Show notes:
The Cup – Joe
Apison TN Disaster
Paulianity links
Seventh Day Adventisim Links:


14 responses to “NTR – 07/07/2011”

  1. Christine Avatar

    When you were talking about the blood that cried out and the difference of Jesus’ blood and our sinful blood, I remembered Hebrews 12:24 “And to Jesus, the Mediator (Go-between, Agent) of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood which speaks [of mercy], a better and nobler and more gracious message than the blood of Abel [which cried out for vengeance].”

    Just thought it was cool and worth sharing. I love seeing the layers of information that God’s word reveals from book to book to book.

  2. admin Avatar

    Good call Christine! Thanks for sharing!

  3. James Avatar

    Regarding your segment on creation and the age of the universe, it seems like Gerald Schroeder is using eisegesis. You can’t get billions of years using the text alone, but only by using the current scientific explanations embraced by a fallen world. Paul warns Timothy :

    1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
    1Timothy 6:21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith.

    Just some thoughts. I enjoy your podcasts. Keep up the good work.

  4. jonathan lawrence Avatar

    time is simply the observance of change. the concept of time requires an observer & stuff to observe. without nothing external to observe we still have the observation of our internal emotions changing, i.e. impatience/boredom (emotions = [internal] stuff). God is the creator of all stuff & the observer of all things. we can all observe change & so we are blessed with the ability to feel how time is relative to us, but of course, without God time would not exist, & time is absolutely relative to God.

    per scripture, what feels like a 24 hour day to us certainly must feel like any & all amounts of time to God.

  5. Kev Avatar

    Hi guys,
    One question. I have just had a knock at my door and after opening, there stood two Korean girls asking me all this questions about my religious affiliations and if I knew who the “Heavenly Mother” was? Well I have to say that, although I have been following Chris’s show, I have not yet made up my mind about my religious beliefs.

    Still the concept of a “Heavenly Mother” was somewhat remote to me. So I started telling them to provide scriptural proof to their claims, as to all of my knowledge, the trinity is the father, the son, and the holy ghost. There is no Heavenly mother (In error, I first believed they were talking about some Catholic understanding of the divine mother marry).

    So they proceeded to show me excerpts of unconnected bible passages (especially Revelation 21 2-9) where it seems to be talking about the Lamb’s wife). Somehow, they seem to be pushing the notion that God is, in fact, two entities (man and female) interwoven into one.. all kind of weird stuff. They also talked about Adam and Eve, and that because God created man in their image, god was also female.

    The point is, that even though I could discern that this, certainly, was not usual bible teaching, I was unable to provide them with a proper explanation as to what the bible was referring to instead. I don’t even know if god can be referred to as being male or female. Can any of you do this?

    Is the bride of the Lamb actually a city? Jerusalem? Is Jerusalem an actual city or is it to be seen as the representation of some devine concept, as the girl was claiming?

    Also, the Koreans were pointing out that in Genesis it seems to be talking about the gods (a plural term), and that this would indicate the dual nature (male and female principle) of god.
    I was actually always wandering this, why does genesis seem to be insinuating that there where gods, in the beginning? Is this just a mistranslation from the Hebrew?

    After further investigation, I seem to have been able to pinpoint the origin of these two Koreans thinking: An off-shoot of the Seventh’s day adventists called the World Mission Society Church of God. No worries I wasn’t touched by their lines in any way. The determination and resolution of these two individuals still struck me. Seeing people misinterpret the scripture, makes me wonder how other Christians can discern the true Gospel from distorted versions. There would not be so much disagreement if the scriptures were absolutely unambiguous.

    Could anyone give some advice on the Lamb’s bride question and the Gods notion – I would really appreciate any input.


  6. Lex Avatar

    -On Alan Watt there’s a document called “Deconstructing Alan Watt” on Scribd and ConspiracyHub that might be a good start for people.
    -On the 7th day Adventists, some of them are pretty productive like Walter Veith and Vance Ferrell but the SDA are still a cult of personality, google “Ellen G. White Uses Masonic Words”
    -On the KJV issue, the KJV is not the 100% TR translated. What is real authority the TR AND Strong’s concordance? My authority is the KJV and I really doubt that James Strong knew the ancient languages of the Bible better than those guys in the 1600’s. Youtube Sam Gipp’s “Greek Game” & “Antioch vs. Alexandria” lectures and check out husky394xp’s channel.
    -On that relative time thing during creation, the Sun the Moon and the stars everything else than the Earth were created on the 4th day. What did God expend, so time would be distorted, before that?
    -On animal death I got a question, so when an animal dies on the new earth for example a little girl’s dog, suddenly she’s gonna turn into a psychopath not feeling sadness no tears no nothing?!

    Good podcast, really enjoyed it, keep it up brother.

  7. kev Avatar

    Hi Chris,
    Why do you continue removing my posts? I am not insulting anybody, I am not off- topic.
    I have been listening to your potcasts for quite some time. So what is the problem with my comments?
    I guess, I don’t even have to bother writing this, it’s gonna be removed anyhow?

  8. admin Avatar

    I dont always have time to approve comments right away. I dont remove anyone’s comments.

  9. Josh Avatar

    Kev, I had the same thing happen to me in Australia, what country are you in? two well mannered Korean girls came to my house asking me if I knew about God’s wife. They were very well trained in their presentation and would rush through passages in revelation and other places that were unconnected. I was a new believer at the time and was troubled by their presentation. From what I now believe, the bride is referring to the body of believers. But i have to admit, I haven’t researched this concept entirely.
    Also the fact that God is plural in Genesis seems to suggest the trinity, not that God is male and female.

  10. Kev Avatar

    Sorry Chris,
    For some reason, my comment had vanished. Did not want to accuse you.
    Again, I really like your potcasts. They give me the right amount of clarity and insight, in all of this crazyness.

    Thanks Josh,
    This happened in the UK.
    Well, I read on the Internet that these people undergo a 4 years training before they start evangelizing.
    Even though they seemed to be very prepared, they always only showed me one or two verses at a time. I doubt they know the entire bible. They are just conditioned to bring their argument across, and, this way, everybody could have say the bible anything I believe.

    Also, what irritated me most is that they did not want to spread the message of salvation, compassion, or sinless live. They were eager to enlighten me on the fact that 90% of all Christians had not got it right and were not able to recognize this fact.

  11. gonny Avatar


    The word Elohim is used for the beginning of Genesis so it’s one of those words that is plural and singular depending on context. The standard translation for that issue is that it was talking about the trinity. I believe it does but at the same time, I do think that it was not simply referring to the trinity since that concept was not around at the time of the writing.

    I point you to the work of Dr.Michael Heiser and the Divine Council. He does a great job breaking down the word Elohim and the many ways it is used in the Old Testament. He refers to it as being “entities of which their humble abode is the spiritual world” In other words, Yahweh is Elohim, but not all Elohim are Yahweh. In other words, it’s quite possible that what we refer to as angels and other heavely hosts were present at the time of creation. These are theories and things we will never fully know until we meet the Lord, but it’s fun to ponder nonetheless.

  12. Craig Doriot Avatar
    Craig Doriot

    Maybe its the way its translated, but it when it says “let US make make man in our image”, since the creation could only be done by God, it would seem strange to be talking about anyone beyond the trinity.. though I’ve heard David Guzik repeat this theory.

  13. Craig Doriot Avatar
    Craig Doriot

    and yes, the bride = body of Christ = true Christians .. not sure how God could be female, when they are called “Father” and “Son”

  14. Ted Avatar

    Please visit the following websites for more information on the World Mission Society Church of God recruiters that you have encountered:


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