NTR – Alan Wattergate

This is an Interview with Andre from Outlaw Journalism, Andre recently wrote an article which strongly suggest that Alan Watt’s books and a great majority of his information came from a man named Glen Kealey.

Alan says he only talked to Kealey ‘once in the nineties’ and Kealey says Alan called him for “weeks on end” to “pick his brain” and that Watt copied his material, “never gave him credit for being the originator of all the ideas” but Kealey said he wasn’t in it for the money anyway. Watt then accused Andre and his forum of death threats and made some bizarre threats himself about the cops watching the outlaw forum now and other things.

This interview was to set the record straight and to deny accusations of death threats

Andre’s article


Alan Watt Threats, Lies and Plagiarism


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