NTR – Controversy Debunked

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/NTR%20-%20Controversy%20Debunked.mp3]

I talk about a bunch of things..The Khazar Myth, The Youtube Debate about Free Will, Church and “discernment overdrive”, and Chuck Missler and the Council of National Policy.


6 responses to “NTR – Controversy Debunked”

  1. S Avatar

    …and Chuck Missler and the Council of National Policy?

  2. Cris Putnam Avatar

    Thanks Chris! I was really glad to hear you encourage people to find a local church. I also appreciate your defense of Chuck as he inspired my love for the Bible as well. Chuck always qualifies his teaching with Acts 17:11 encouraging us to study for ourselves. False teachers do not do that. It’s easy to jump on the bandwagon of every conspiracy theory and controversy. Let us not forget who the “accuser of our brothers” is in scripture (Rev. 12:10).

  3. S Avatar

    Oops nevermind, missed the end. I love Chuck.

  4. Scotty Avatar

    It surprises me how often terms like “false teacher” or “false prophet” are bandied about in today’s church. It seems all one has to do is disagree on the slightest matter, doctrinal or not, and you’re suddenly an agent of Satan fighting against God. Far from Missler being a false teacher, I’d be more inclined to suspect the person making the accusation.

    I think in many Christians an “Ephesians” complex develops – being zealous for sound doctrine while losing your first love, as well as love for others. It’s a subtle snare, but one I’ve fallen in a few times, especially over the Calvinism/Arminianism debate. When I became a Calvinist I attacked others for denying Gods sovereignty and trying to glorify fallen human free-will, following the lead of the usual Calvinist attack dogs. When I came to see that wasn’t the whole story, I recoiled too far the other way, and attacked Calvinists for impugning God’s perfect moral character.

    While I definitely lean more to the Molinist/Arminian side now, I try to be careful in dealing with the subject. Unless both parties in the debate are mature, and can talk theology rationally and calmly (i.e without taking offence), the debate just isn’t worth having. The damage done will far outweigh any possible benefits.

    Just my 2 cents anyway. 😉
    God bless all.

  5. D Avatar

    Now Russ Dizdar is gonna be at the “Politics of Religion” conference too??

    Man, that just makes me even more bummed that I can’t be there…

    I would so love to just be able to meet all of the speakers there (and other people who have been encouraged by them as well…)

    Maybe I just need to take the initiative and sponsor an event so that all of you could come up to the Pacific NW? You guys can deal with a little rain, right?

  6. Cass Avatar

    This debate is like that picture of 2 fingers pointing at each other and saying
    cointelpro —> <— cointelpro

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