NTR- Gregg Braden Refuted and More

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If you prefer, below I have split the video  into shorter parts,and provided the notes for that particular section.

Gregg Braden Debunked (1 of 15) INTRO
Notes for this video:
The 2012 Deception Presentation- (1 of 6)
How 2012 “Enlightenment” Will Lead To Genocide (1 of 3)

Gregg Braden Debunked (2 of 15) The Schumann Resonances
Notes for this video:

Gregg Braden Debunked (3 of 15) Pole Shift
The Earth’s magnetic field reverses at intervals, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of
thousands of years. It is believed that this last occurred some 600,000 years ago (Comins – DEU p.84).
The overall geomagnetic field is becoming weaker at a rate which will cause the field to disappear by about 4000 AD.1 Other sources have put the date of field collapse as early as 3000 AD.

Gregg Braden Debunked (4 of 15) The Earth Stops Rotating

Gregg Braden Debunked (5 of 15) The Photon Belt

Gregg Braden Debunked (6 of 15) The Sun’s Magnetic Field

Gregg Braden Debunked (7 of 15) Quantum Physics , Entaglement, Bell’s inequality EPR Paradox

A commonly debated use of the term refers to quantum mechanics, where, if the outcome of an event has not been observed, it exists in a state of ’superposition’, which is akin to being in all possible states at once. In the famous thought experiment known as Schrödinger’s cat the cat is supposedly neither alive nor dead until observed. However, most quantum physicists, in resolving Schrödinger’s seeming paradox, now understand that the acts of ‘observation’ and ‘measurement’ must also be defined in quantum terms before the question makes sense.
That is that the reason science must come up with a third possibility namely that the cat is neither alive or dead is because they cant mathematically detailed. And they like to be able to explain things mathematically..

Gregg Braden Debunked (8 of 15) Fraudulent Footnotes

Gregg Braden Debunked (9 of 15) The Great Red Spot

Gregg Braden Debunked (10 of 15) The Maharishi Effect

Gregg Braden Debunked (11 of 15) The God Code

Gregg Braden Debunked (12 of 15) Messages from Water

Gregg Braden Debunked (13 of 15) The Global Consciousness Project

Gregg Braden Debunked (14 of 15) The Council of Nicaea

Gregg Braden Debunked (15 of 15) Jesus and Conclusion


5 responses to “NTR- Gregg Braden Refuted and More”

  1. miracle prayers Avatar

    Hello. This is kind of an “unconventional” question , but have other visitors asked you how get the menu bar to look like you’ve got it? I also have a blog and am really looking to alter around the theme, however am scared to death to mess with it for fear of the search engines punishing me. I am very new to all of this …so i am just not positive exactly how to try to to it all yet. I’ll just keep working on it one day at a time Thanks for any help you can offer here

  2. PASTOR LISA Avatar

    Dear Miracle Prayers..

    As I was surfing around to investigate sites & find stuff for my upcoming online videos/sermons for my new end-times/anti-new world order website & Youtube channel, I came across your question just as I was about to leave this site!

    May I first suggest to do as I always do about every thing I do, even messing with web pages/sites…etc. and that is to pray & ask God to protect your computer, your site, and ask him to assist you, and if you make any mistakes, that he gives you the knowledge/ability to fix it asap. I do it all the time & God helps me big time & has gotten me out of a lot of jams. Don’t be afraid to try a new thing either! And let no one fool you dear one… There is NO prayer that is silly or unimportant to our Lord as long as it is honest, humble & never meant for any thing bad or negative! He loves for us to rely on him for assistance! It pleases God that we go to him for help no matter how big or small! And let’s face it… you can always trust God to NEVER EVER steer you wrong!

    I might also add that in my 14 years of pc/online experiences, especially with building web sites & pages… (just as in life sometimes…)I have found that mistakes are the best way to learn. And depending on how tedious, or difficult the project is, I’ve learned to make notes of how I do things too. That way if you do have to start over you can just reverse the written process to the point where you goofed it & start over! Saves a lot of time and frustration! You know how some people have road rage? Well, I used to have Net/PC rage! Shame on me, but I’m just being honest! I had to pray myself out of that & Jesus healed me! Praise God!! 🙂

    I do however understand what you mean & sympathize with your question! Been there, done that myself! I wondered… Do you have Firefox/Mozilla? If not, I seriously & highly recommend that you download it & use it. They have a huge array of add-ons with tools that will practically run your PC for you. Many are geared to your problem. You can still set it to use Internet Explorer as your main if you want to.

    (Mozilla) Firefox has a gold mine of super helpful add-ons & kool stuff to soup up your surfing, searching, and video viewing/downloading experience with youtube,facebook/twitter/google, etc., bookmarks, favorites & history tabs & tool bars and all that too! And about 1069 add-ons (and over 85,000 add-on tools) that deal specifically with web development, as well as error removal/fix it tools, web developer tool boxes and so on.. I also use WOT (web of trust) on there & that lets you know instantly if a sight can be trusted with score cards you can look at to evaluate any site or page you go to before messing around & getting into something you’d rather have avoided!

    All of it is 99% absolutely free with no strings attached. Some designers of an add on every once in a while may ask for small donation if you want to help them with future designing, but it’s all free & doesn’t expire or try & charge you later! The reason it’s free is that it’s professional designers who develop stuff & want others to try it out and pass the word on if they like it. It also has ratings by all the people who uses them & will even give you specifics on why they do or don’t like something. You know, like the pro’s & cons of each thing, so you can check it our before down loading it. Most add-ons take very little space or memory! Very easy, very safe, and firefox is extremely reliable & safe with super fast surfing & video downloading/viewing…etc.

    I stumbled onto Firefox myself one day after praying to God to help me make my lap top faster, easier & more secure. I couldn’t be without it now after 2 years! I have yet to need something & not been able to find some add-on they could not provide. Once in a while I use something then remove it later after deciding it wasn’t for me.. but most things I like & keep. Gosh… now I have like so many add-ons I’ve lost track! And NO! I don’t work for, nor am i affiliated with, Mozilla or Firefox except that I am a very happy user of it! And to be absolutely free and spy-ware free & safer is a major plus! Especially in my line of work & projects I am involved in!

    There are many things out there one could recommend… but I have given you a place that has every thing, about every thing all in one place!You could at the least just go to Firefox/Mozilla’s main page and read up on it! Check them out. And remember! If you download Mozilla’s Firefox, and you don’t like it.. all you gotta do is uninstall it. It comes right off completely & quickly! But I think you will dig it!

    Well.. I hope that has been at least some sort of help any way! You take care & know that I will be praying for you. Hope to see ya soon when I finalize my Website & Youtube project/ministry soon!

    God Bless You..
    Much Love In Christ!
    Pastor Lisa J.
    Head Pastor/T-PAGS
    The Pro-American God Squad

    I love firefox

  3. PASTOR LISA Avatar

    To NTR…

    I found myself agreeing with you on a lot of matters! However, I am more critical of The Arrivals, z-geist, 2012’ers, new-agers & all that! I personally intend to do all that I can to expose the NWO shills & workers of darkness! All infiltrators must be exposed & thrown out of the truth movement! I’m sick of blasphemy! Jesus deserves to be praised not lied about!

    Shout out to Russ Dizdar & crew 2! Keep up the good fight of faith!We Love ya brother!


    I like what you’re doing here NTR! I will pass it on! You have my prayers!

    Love In Christ!
    Pastor Lisa J.

  4. youtube gospel videos Avatar

    Good post I just Love it, Keep posting more, do you have skype, love to have a web chat with you!

  5. endisnigh Avatar

    for anyone interested, i made this into a torrent file to help combat the unwarranted censorship that is going on.


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