NTR – Just Do It

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/NTR_June22011.mp3]

I talk about starting ministries, and why you should do it. I talk about a new program for helping out New Christians and end the podcast with what to DO now that we know that “love is the thing”

Show Notes:
Interview with Byron on Cursed Net Radio

Melody’s Testimony of Spiritual Warfare

How to Debunk Stuff (also how to do media ministry)

Ex Seventh Day Adventist Ministry


7 responses to “NTR – Just Do It”

  1. Gonny Avatar

    Minister Chris,

    Congrats on the new title. You’re an inspiration for folks like me for sure. Great stuff on this podcast.

    The topic of homosexuality in relationship with Christianity is huge and definitely needed online. I think part of the mission is to find what we have a heart for. I know my church has a great outreach community and personally I am developing relationships with people in it to figure out where I fit into all of this. Anyways, Chris keep on truckin! God Bless!

  2. Fork Avatar


    When I was coming out of the lifestyle this was the organization that helped me tremendously.

  3. Fork Avatar

    2 Corinthians 1:3-4. When I read that, it totally changed my perspective on how to help others.

  4. Joey Avatar

    Haha, great intro!

  5. Pie Avatar

    Did you finish with your beautiful language?

  6. legna Avatar

    Chris…PLEASE check out these articles, READ them !!! from the first article to the lasy one…it will ”blow” your mind…


  7. Pie Avatar

    I like your intro Chris, but my favorite one was always the one that started with that “no where to run to baby” song and then turns really dark, then Alex Jones says “chris from Tennessee, you’re on the air, go ahead” and then Keanu Reeves goes “woah.” Did you really call the Alex Jones show? What did you say?

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