12-29-10 – NTR

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/NTR_12_29_10.mp3]
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16 responses to “12-29-10 – NTR”

  1. […] White’s Nowhere to Run. Today he had some rather interesting material on Jews and Judaism, including a good summary rebuttal of the Khazari Theory (starting about the 21 minute mark). For those who haven’t heard of that theory before, it […]

  2. ivan Avatar


    Also, the NKJV is great. It’s all I have, so I never realize other versions weren’t so thorough in its notation.

  3. Cris Putnam Avatar

    YES! I just checked YT and I am approved for longer than 15 on my http://www.youtube.com/user/LogosApologia channel!

  4. Scott Avatar

    Amen. 😉

    Totally agreed on understanding the context of a book in the Bible – often times it’s the key to making sense of difficult passages (or even the whole book). I often think of James as an example; unless you understand why James wrote, and who he wrote to, you could well come away thinking he’s contradicting Paul on issues of faith, as Luther did. Same with Romans and Hebrews – context plays a significant role.

    Also agreed on the NKJV. No version is perfect of course, but the NKJV seems pretty reliable while also removing the difficulties of olde English.

    What I find helpful are two Bibles. A literal translation for technical accuracy (like the NKJV), and a modern paraphrase that easily conveys the emotions and clarity of thought that is often missed by strict word-for-word translations.

  5. LookHarder Avatar

    You can see bullets grazing of the pavement raising dust as the wounded man is carried off!!! I can’t believe anyone still falls for this propoganda. It was crap two years ago when it was first released and it’s still crap. What has Chris White got to do with this rubbish.


  6. admin Avatar

    Im willing to hear you out, but I must say there is a ton more than bullets that would be need to be answered for in this video.

    So what is the exact time signature I should be looking for?

  7. LookHarder Avatar

    I was wondering if the site hadn’t been hijacked somehow.

    1st shot Middle Right of screen a couple of seconds after the 3:00min mark.
    2nd shot same location a second or two after the 3:10 mark.
    the narrator does say the scene may be real or not. So the damage is already done at that point and the mindset of the viewer is directed as desired – i.e. the jury has already been tainted by suggestions given. CONINTELPRO. The ADL and AIPAC apply these tactics to everything on the web. They’re unashamed. They admit they do it freely. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D8rGB_VVQc
    Some men are brave enough to speak out in public about the notoriety of the Israelis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDODrMkO7jI and the nature of hate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysJFJ4K8oJ8
    And an interview with Amy Goodman as to how politics really works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZo-tDZ4S2g

    Scapegoating the Palestinians? – when Israelis uses white phospher bomb contrary to the Geneva Conventions or the attack and murder on the Mavi Marmara in International water.

    Holy crap, the list just keeps growing – organ harvesting, pornography trade …. guess who!

  8. LookHarder Avatar

    For every instance of an alleged staged event I could find many more instances of Israeli abuse if pressed.

    If you present a video of a child faking Israeli inflicted white-phospher burns, then you may have something important. These video links you’ve posted are just still conjecture.

  9. Mark Avatar

    I’m very glad to have been watching your YouTube vid’s. They are very helpful, especially since resources are scarce in un~churched Vermont. I would love to see you do a video where you go through your NKJV and replace the word “Jackal” with “Dinosaur”, I believe in dragons. Do you ever make any vid’s in support of Creationists?
    It’s very cool to find another person who does the vbyv thing, especially as I have heard you speak of the 20/20. Be Well!

  10. RED-09 Avatar

    Mr White,

    Allow me to help you on your pronunciation on the capital city of Scotland, o’bonnie Scotland.

    It’s not Edinboro nor Edinburg.

    It’s Edinburgh, here’s the break down.

    [ed-n-bur-uh, or -buhr-uh]

    to translate that, just say ” Ed-in-bu-ru ” Say it fast and not only do you have it nailed, say it with a deep tone and with a sprinkling of grit, and you might just pass off as Scottish!

    Don’t worry i’m not a fascist of thee pronuciation world. It’s just that the last time i spoke to a couple of Americans, they told me with a big smile on their face that they had loved their stay in ” England ” and that they had especially enjoyed london,manchester and liverpool, but their fav part of England was Aberdeen… they told me this while standing in the middle of Glasgow lol!!!!!

    Anyways, a light hearted note.

    You grow with every podcast man, keep it up! Interesting stuff of le Jews.

  11. Ben S. Avatar
    Ben S.

    Jesus_is_Savior.com is even worse than gotquestions.org

  12. MerchantMan Avatar

    “This world hates jews” you say, huh?

    BBC, CNN, FOX, the Vatican, UN all these organisms who supposedly really really hate are actually jewish owned or heavily jewish influenced. I’m not saying to hate jewish people at all, but jewish people play the hatred card to invoke sympathy and support, that’s what victims looking for welfare do, not just jews, all victims, but jews do it harder and better than anyone. The world hates jews partly because jews propagate and endorse that hatred with their slogan of “anti-semitism”.

    The world hates jews? That my friend is a very sentimental statement. I know you’re trying to be a good christian and all and you believe in biblical prophesies but this Jewish sentimentality is a little overboard man. I respect humanity and all people, but the world doesn’t hate jews, it’s sad to say but if the world hates anyone its black people or natives. I’ve never seen any humans get it like them. It’s hard for me to admit that, but when you say the world hates jews, I can’t accept that, your not speaking the truth anymore,. It’s obvious sentimentality based on some logically seeming doctrine of belief. If the world hated jews their would be no Israel, Hollywood, Music industry, no New York city.

    Jews are alot of people scapegoats true, and thats not fair, but most people don’t even know why. It’s jewish owned media that makes people think they hate jews, when they really don’t. Tha’ts what’s happening today. Form what I see the world loves jews. I don’t believe in the Khazaria stuff either and I see you’re tryin to make sense of all this, which is always commendable but I’m not sure what your getting at with this one. The world hates its own children, but jews get alot of love in practical reality. You gotta reassess that stament.

  13. Aaron Avatar

    AMEN! JesusisSaviour.com is a terrible website. Without discernment, that site is dangerous. It would be so easy to walk away from that site very confused about the truth. That site leaves me with the impression that they themselves are the wolves in sheeps clothing.

  14. Robert Avatar

    According to Joel Stein (LA Times journalist) jews do control hollywood hands down. This seems to be a verfiable fact. Why this is I am not sure. As for controlling the world goverment, this does not seem to be the case.http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-stein19-2008dec19,0,4676183.column

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