Ntr – My Conversation with Jordan Maxwell

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/ntr_Jmax.mp3]

A quick update and then I play a clip from a recent 10 minute conversation I had with Jordan Maxwell.

Show Notes:


A Kneeling Christian

The Kneeling Christian


27 responses to “Ntr – My Conversation with Jordan Maxwell”

  1. Josh Avatar

    Jmax seemed to miss that you weren’t attacking him personally but are pointing out that he might be being used. He seems quite genuine. I hope that he wants to come on the show, maybe talk it out.

  2. m.k. Avatar

    Too bad they didn’t let you talk.
    I don’t get Maxwell’s point about that Jordanus Maximus thing. :-/

  3. Lex Avatar

    JordANUS MAXimus mystery solved 😉

  4. Gonny Avatar

    Maxwell was as rude as anyone I’ve heard. He was right in that humans seem to feel fear when encountering an angel, but what he failed to mention is that almost every time an angel of the Lord appears to humans in the bible, the angels tells them “do not fear” or “do not be afraid” or someething along those lines. You don’t just submit and do what they tell you to do IMO. Has Jordan ever tested these spirits? I would love to see/hear a one on one talk between Maxwell and Chris. Not sure if he is willing though. He sounded entitled and took credit for the conspiracy/truth thing all together. He may have been one of the first people to speak on these topics publically, but to say the rest of us would have never heard of the Illuminati or other conspiracy theories I think is a strech. If he didnt do it, someone else would have in my opinion.

    Also wish he let Chris talk for more than three words before getting cut off. And the host seemed anti-Chris as well.

  5. Greg Avatar

    You were set up Chris. 10 minutes and they were both afraid to let you talk. I’m glad you were able insert some biblical perspective before the end. If you had any more time with these guys it would have ended very poorly for them. Nice way to end that guys “last show”.

  6. D Avatar

    I can’t believe that Maxwell actually tried pulling the whole “victim” tactic… I had no idea that he has actually convinced himself that he is the one who has exposed the Illuminati and secret societies, etc! For someone who tries to appeal to the Bible so much to back himself up, he seems to have ignored the fact that God Himself is the one who has exposed everything from the beginning… That whole exchange actually just made me feel pretty burdened for the guy, he truly is just being used as a tool, and I’m glad you at least threw that out there for him to hear. Even if he dismisses it now, hopefully a seed has been planted that the Spirit can use to help reveal to him that the beings he trusts are not trustworthy of all. We should all continue to pray Jordan Maxwell…

    Really looking forward to your presentation on the Rapture Chris. There has been so much confusion about that subject, and I’ve never really understood why that could be, when scripture itself is actually pretty straightforward and clear about it. I totally agree that Matt 24 must be allowed to stand as a central part of one’s understanding of the Last Days. Why would we ignore what Jesus Himself has to say about the topic?

  7. keith Avatar

    Maxwell is such a satanic liar. I don’t truly dislike lots of people and I love pretty much everyone, but that man is the worst kind of deciever – the kind who knows that his deceptions are based on the satanic teachings of blavatsky and yet promotes them as something good. Good job confessing Jesus Christ as Lord Chris. You composed yourself better than I would have had he lied so blatantly.

  8. TS Avatar

    I remember seeing a trailer about the movie he was going to make, and also that he just canceled it and never gave a reason. That was back when I still liked Jordan Maxwell.

  9. KA Avatar

    Couple comments… Jordan Maxwell commented that people were fearful when an angel appeared in scriptures, true but the angels always reassured them not to be afraid. John warns us to “test the spirits”, that not every spirit is from God.

    As far as the rapture timing goes, it has become such a divisive issue for believers and it shouldn’t. It’s not as salvation issue and we shouldn’t attack one another over it. However civil discussion about it is good. Anyways keep up the good work.

  10. Gaz parker Avatar

    It was a cowardly set up and really makes them look like a bunch of armatures. The guy presenting obviously has serious issues for holding
    a grudge against you Chris. I wonder why it was his last show, maybe he just wasn’t getting the same attention as your shows.

    Maxwell is finished, he’s not the fighting kind and yet he had to come out fighting as a last ditched attempt to try to save his career. It just
    goes to show how powerful the word is and how it cuts through the lies.

  11. Fork Avatar

    Be encouraged Chris–the work that you’ve done with your videos and site have helped me immensely. It was stumbling upon Jordan Maxwell and hearing his message–that aliens are “God” and the Bible is a lie–that brought me to your site to begin with. I thought what you said at the end of the interview was clear, truthful, and powerful. As I explore the colorful world of Conspiracy Land, I always come back to your reasonable, well-researched stuff to keep me grounded. Looking forward to your video on the Rapture.

    BTW, don’t angels usually tell the fearful recipients of their messages to FEAR NOT??

  12. Remez Avatar

    The sound of battle from the front lines of the ‘real’ truth movement, I love it, great work Chris.

  13. Recci Avatar


    here Jordan explains that he is and always was completely AGAINST the “Aguarian New Age” BS etc, and why is he not married to Blavatsky nor pro-Blavatsky just because he read her stuff and mentioned her name and enjoyed her work (I did too)…instead of promoting the New Age BS, he’s warning against it and says it won’t be a happy ending (he always did)…also he is very pro-Jesus, but your holy Chris White never showed you these quotes from Jordan aka Russell…

    If indeed he was/is “possessed by demons”, wouldn’t he PROMOTE the New Age Ideas like many of those people Chris White already “debunked”? Yet Jordan does the exact opposite, and he does not have a cult like Zeitgeist for example…

    I agree with Chris on many issues, but he is totally wrong on Jordan…was a great show tho, Chris cleared a lot of things up for me…

    Take care.

  14. Chris Avatar

    I was absolutely aghast at Jordan’s reaction and his total lie that if it were not for him “Noone would know about the illuminati and secret societies”.

    I absolutely love how todays truthers seem to forget about William Cooper, the guy who was studying and teaching the TRUTH in the 80s and unmasking the UFO movement, and uncovering the lies of Maxwell which he has been preaching since the 60s.

    The sense of entitlement shows me just how unchristian he is, Jesus told us that we should NOT advertise how great we are, and keep our achievements to ourselves, because they are recorded in Heaven, and to spout our greatness is just vanity.

  15. oatstao Avatar

    thanks for sharing this.Jordan was in TEARS! And he keeps calling you young man in the authority tone.Not cool, but he’s in his own trap we shall pray for him!

    one note, first time here on the website, I noticed a typo at the top “recommendations”
    is not spelled with two C’s, it’s two M’s 😉 peace

    I know that’s a harder one to fix due to the photoshop graphics, but tell your designer who possibly already knows.

  16. MicahG Avatar

    This was an really frustrating “interview” for me to listen to…Jordan and ESPECIALLY the host of the show were extremely disrespectful when they didn’t even allow you to respond to Jordan’s comments. I’m glad its this guy’s last show, because his approach is disgraceful and dishonest. Its obvious to me that he totally set you up to be ambushed. However, it is encouraging that guys of Jordanus Maximus’ prominence in the “truth movement” are obviously scared of the message you’re putting out. I can definitely see how this was a discouraging moment for you, but take heart Chris, God used your work and personally showed me the truth about Maxwell’s lies when I was on the brink of accepting the Zeitgeist/Maxwell view of Jesus. Keep sowing the seeds of the Gospel and of truth my friend, God is using you in magnificent ways!

  17. solidsound Avatar

    First I can’t thank you enough. Your videos helped bring me back from the brink of falling into the new ager, freemasonic, ZG luciferian doctrine. I was listening to Jordan Maxwell and I was thinking he was telling me truth. Then I stumbled onto your videos, thank god. When I watched ZG, I knew something was wrong in part 1. Now the whole Venus project just seals the fact this is NWO back door strategy. Many will listen to false prophets. I just wanted to thank you for your website, your you tube channel and your ability to go out and fight. I see from other comments that you are helping many others. God Bless you.

  18. Dan Avatar

    I think Chris White was very rude to Jordan Maxwell. Jordan had a lot of good points but Chris White kept up with his whole “omg your demon possessed into the occult” horse crap.

  19. jr Avatar

    from experience everyone should strat prayiny to GOD,and ask 4 forgivness through his SON Jesus!!

  20. Ben S. Avatar
    Ben S.

    Next time Jordy drops you a line (which will be never) do us all a grand favor, and cut him off in the middle of his “I’ve been around since before you were born young man” speech and ask him what the etymology of Israel means. That’ll be a gas.

  21. dan Avatar

    so glad i have purged myself from these foolish beliefs. The conversation fully evidences it.

  22. Adam Phosphor Avatar

    Well well well! I see there is no disagreements when it comes to comments on your website, whatsoever, only the ones that agree with you. Not even some constructive criticism. So no doubt this one will get deleted. Of course you know exactly who I am, I’m the one that made you end comments on your Youtube channel. Clearly Maxwell bitch smacked you a good one. You are CLEARLY lying, and the only reason you want Jordan to come on your show is to profit from those Christians who’s egos would ultimately be crushed if they found out Jordan was right. CLEARLY you try to pass along your ASSUMPTION that the visitors were evil as a FACT, but you don’t know. PERIOD. As far as your rapture video, Revelations was around 500 years BEFORE Christianity. You are a blatant LIAR. You sit here and say Bill Cooper “DEBUNKES” Jordan Maxwell, no Jordan DEBUNKES Bill Cooper. You have it ASS backward, and you can’t even spell debunk properly. It wasn’t Bill that got Jordan to admit it was symbolism, it was Jordan who confirmed that it was symbolism, because its a metaphor. And then you challenge people to find another time where he ADMITS that its symbolism! Its all metaphorical symbolism you idiot! That’s what he explains EVERY time he talks about the sun god MYTHOS! Then you twist around nouns and verbs to deceive people with the whole oil thing. Then you say “silly Maxwell” thinks thousands of years ago they came up with the word ON because they prophesied we’d have light bulbs because as Jordan says you are WEAVING a story. He never said that. We use the word “ON” BECAUSE that’s what the damn word means and where it comes from! We don’t use the word “on” because of whatever the hell you’re trying to say. Ridiculous! You are truly a SICK individual.

  23. Oggyy Avatar

    Wow, what a waste of time, another “all-knowing” site that takes that old book by the letter.

  24. gary clymer Avatar
    gary clymer

    You should bow at the feet of such a great man as Jordan Maxwell. You are the one being used you are truly a fuck tard and lost moron. and just a word to the wise jesus of Nazareth never existed there was never such a person who walked the face of this earth

  25. Alban Elfed Avatar
    Alban Elfed

    Jordan Maxwell has a life-long amount of research and experience under his belt and you should be honored to even speak to him, period. I will tell you this after meeting him personally, and seeing how humbly he actually lives; You, and people like you, should try acknowledging the fact that you have NO IDEA how things really work, and until you have studied and devoted your entire life to researching in order to help your fellow man, you better look before you leap. People like Jordan aren’t going to be around much longer, and he’s one of a handful that are actually trying to help. I would make damn sure you know what you’re talking about before ever having the nerve to attack someone like him again. You only discredited yourself, your show, and your website in doing so.

  26. occult retard Avatar
    occult retard

    As the above Alban Elfed and his equally genome deficient cohorts have proved, there is nothing like attacking an idol to wind up the slow ones. Maxwell is the guy who tried to argue that Dalai Lama meant lamb of God. Dalai mean God having it’s root in latin and lama is ‘like a lamb’ (his words)LOL. If that’s the level of research you want us to revere, i’d rather start believing the sun goes round the earth. His tortuous casuistry on how the word Israel was founded is beyond belief.

  27. buy corn hole Avatar

    How many trumpet players does it take to change a light bulb?None, because the world revolves around them!

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