NTR – News, “Truth Vibrations” and Matthew 24

15 minutes of news including the latest 2012 article sweeping the internet.
I read some excerpts from David Ickes first book, and I read the compilation of Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Rev 6, Joel 2, Zech 14.

Show Notes:

Ministry Mondays, Togetherness Tuesdays, Work Wednesdays, Thrifty Thursdays, Family Fridays, Social Saturdays, Salvation Sundays.
Recent Interviews
Black Helicopter Radio w/ Guest Chris White! – Sleep Paralysis

Robb Revere (some profanity involved)

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(interview starts in the second hour)

Link to the Matthew 24 compilation


4 responses to “NTR – News, “Truth Vibrations” and Matthew 24”

  1. Witchfinder Avatar

    Hi Chris!

    A former Icke fan here, now saved by God’s grace and incomprehensible mercy!

    I own all of the Icke books from “And The Truth Shall Set You Free” to “The David Icke Guide To The Global Blah Blah etc.” The contents of these books are incredible. Each one is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to construct a New World Order – endorsed by David himself! He believes EXACTLY what they do! Look at this, from page 452 of “And The Truth.”

    “This immense transformation we are living through is likely to be one of extremes and opposites before all comes into harmony. It is the chaos period as one vibration breaks up and another moves in. Those with an open mind and heart will absorb the new space-time realities. Others who follow the propaganda of the Global Elite and the Prison Warder consciousness will cling on to the old vibration in their desperation to find security. They will become even more vehement in their religious, political, and economic dogma. They will resist the rising vibrations if they choose that path, and this will have mental, emotional and physical effects. The two states of being, the programmed mind and the open mind, will be more obvious with every month to those who know what is happening. The Prison Warders, via the Global Elite, will increase their efforts to speed the New World Order, but they will not ultimately succeed. This transition period may well stimulate many negative events, but if we raise our own consciousness and hold onto our positive sense of self, we will not attract such events to us, unless, of course, it is part of our chosen path to experience them. Our state of mind is our protection from harm.”

    Notice how threatening he is being here with his use of language. He is clearly telling us that those who are not willing to go along with the coming new age are dangerous to society and must be properly dealt with. Icke frequently makes use of If/Then statements throughout his propaganda, bullying his readers into a corner. Here we see that *IF* we hold on to our traditional values – *THEN* the world is at risk of suffering from “mental, emotional, and physical effects.” You and I do not have beliefs that can be considered acceptable, according to Icke. Instead, he says that there exist certain beliefs that some people are “clinging” to. When something “clings”, it is implied that the only way to bring an end to the attachment is through force. Just look at the kind of mind-control he is using here. If David believes that only love exists and that fear is an illusion, why is he claiming that a certain group of people are living in fear, or that the world should be fearful of a particular group who are an immediate threat to civilization?

    Icke is a master manipulator. Page 434: “We are here to serve the planet in the most effective way, fling open the prison door, and speed our own, and the collective, evolution.” Odd thing to say from a man who is “exposing” environmentalism.

    I look forward to learning about your findings on Icke. I no longer support the common belief, as I once did, that Icke is well-intentioned but misguided. Like Tsarion, he is a deliberate deceiver, not an accidental one, and is in DESPERATE need of our prayers.

    Thanks for all the great work you do. God bless!

    One more note: one thing I have learned about Icke over the years is that he is astonishingly insecure and spends a great deal of his research time compiling comments people have said about him. Something important to keep in mind is that your Icke project will not only serve as a much needed warning to others who have just been deprogrammed and are now vulnerable to a whole new set of lies – but it can serve as a direct (albeit one-way) means of communication to David Icke himself, because I assure you – he WILL BE reading! It’s a great opportunity to fill him in on some things that *he* needs to hear as well!

  2. Whistler Avatar

    The audio is not working Chris!

  3. admin Avatar

    Thanks for this great comment. I may use some of this..he is usually pretty slick, and I cant get a solid sound bite of him saying “religious” in this context, even though its obvious its what he means. So I may use this one. You commentary is very insightful too, I really am thankful for it, and for you. I agree with you on the latter point, I do in fact look at this project as way to speak to him too. I am going to try to do this in such a way that he might see it, with the Lords help.

  4. admin Avatar

    @ Whistler..I think I got it. Bad HTML on my part

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