NTR – Paul Flynn Interview – The Power Behind the New World Order

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/NTR%20-%20Paul%20Flynn%20Interview%20-%20The%20Power%20Behind%20the%20New%20World%20Order.mp3]

Paul Flynn is a filmmaker who has just put out a very comprehensive look at the “New World Order” from a Christian perspective. This interview talks about his journey and his motivations for making what I think it one of the better movies on this issue.

The Power Behind the New World Order from Megiddo Films on Vimeo.


10 responses to “NTR – Paul Flynn Interview – The Power Behind the New World Order”

  1. Victor Avatar

    Good video.
    But can the music be turned off while they speak.
    It is hard to hear what they say.

  2. peter hofmann Avatar

    well said….right now I am trying to get the truth out in 6 Day creation and am running into all kinds of roadblocks in the church….. I can see all that you have said as a big part of this supernatural fog that blurs the mind of even believers!! i need help to get the message out…

  3. gonny Avatar

    Film was well done. Got me all fired up. Paul did an awesome job. Thanks Chris for the interview and keeping us up to date on fellow brothers doing the Lords work. God Bless!

  4. Anthony AKA Pastor Tony Avatar

    A must get out to the community, keep up the work!!!!

  5. Kev Avatar

    The movie was rather intriguing and summarized all the important and necessary parts in a concise manner. Outlining the conspiracy New World Order side of things, and at the same time including the New Age deception aspect.

    These things all play out in popular music which is emitted at this very time. I’ve just lately seen a music video from Beyoncey (called girls) which actually showed this exact concept of revolution and the “New Age Movement” fighting against the “evil” NWO (depicted as police, control forces).
    The entire clip is heavily charged with symbols of the antichrist and other spiritual themes like the horsemen on its black horse, which brings desolation and famines from the book of revelation.
    I am only saying this because it almost knocked me off my feet, to see that this is exactly what Chris has been talking about and there it is, in plain sight.. The world revolution of the new race rebelling against the police state. And these guys know the bible they know the symbols and stories. I really need to start studying the bible myself. How can I know the truth, if I don’t read it for myself. The only reason why I haven’t started reading the bible for myself is because I was put off the the sheer size and the apparent complexity of all the intricate connections the different gospels and the old testament have.

    Anyways, I found the interview rather tedious maybe because the Paul was a bit nervous. His answers were quite difficult to comprehend or follow. I even wondered if that person could have been the same person that did the interview.

  6. Joey Avatar

    thanks for finding out about this film and sharing it chris!

  7. Anthony Kimbrough Avatar

    Most excellent done. There were a couple that I didn’t care for but they do teach about Christ. Also one of the first videos that said Luciferian rather than Satanist. Little do most Satanist know they serve the same wrong god, but Satanists are in the Little League with Luciferians. For a top skin it is packed with info.


  8. Geus Avatar

    Nice film.

    The Jesuits however where not discussed. I know that the Black Pope is the head of Freemasonry, but I have know knowledge on the role of Jesuitism within Theosophy. I get confused, when the leading role of Roman Catholicism is left out off informative material like this. Especially when Christianity plays such a large role. Because Roman Catholicism also teaches Jesus Christs as a savior, while addressing the person rather than the teaching.

    Therefor I am off the opinion, that the movie would be stronger, when the role of Counter Reformation would be in the middle of the deceit. It was the Roman Catholic Church that was burning Bibles in the 16th century, would try to falsify the Bible in later centuries, not Luciferians. At least, not open Luciferians, as are presented in the movie. An open Luciferian at least is honest. It is the Luciferians posing as Christians that are the most dangerous ones. I hope people will be aware of the deceit in the Jesuit run churches after this film. We should take our gatherings back, but that is impossible if Luciferians posing as Christian Leaders can not be traced and eliminated from gatherings.

    Some Christian leaders where presented in the first part of the movie. How can the audience discern between a false Church leader, and a humble Gathering guy spreading life saving knowledge?

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