NTR – Pole Shift?, Interviews (in the notes), and a Testimony

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/NTR_031111.mp3]
Updates, and a brief discussion about the media hype surrounding airports and changing their markers due to pole shifts. I link the interviews I did with Charles Cooper and Alan Kurschner, I also play the audio from a recent testimony.

Show Notes:
My interview with Charles Cooper

Charles Cooper Interview -Prewrath Rapture from Chris White on Vimeo.

My interview with Alan Kurschner

Alan Kurschner Interview – Prewrath Rapture from Chris White on Vimeo.


12 responses to “NTR – Pole Shift?, Interviews (in the notes), and a Testimony”

  1. Sam Floore Avatar
    Sam Floore

    You guys are just nerds who want to debate, philosophies and theologize.

  2. Manoah Avatar

    You seem to still be an occult practitioner. And I hope you pray on that.

    I’m concerned that you ignorantly, or GOD forbid, knowingly lead men into deception with this doctrine of men concerning fallen angles? You, Russ, Guzik, Missler, Schnoeblen and even Maxwell seem to be all obsessed with demonology. Angels cannot have sex, nor can demons. Really think about what you are saying and how much imagination has to go into showing why it has never happened again.

    We know that GOD created all creatures after their kind, each to reproduce according to their kind and their kind alone. And for man he formed women, flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone. Birds cannot mate with fish, fish cannot mate with beast, beast and man are not designed to mate, and none can reproduce with any other. Hybridization exist only within the same species or kind; ie, horse + donkey =mule, Sparrow+falcon=Farrow(?) Wolf +Doge =husky, Lemon +orange= grapefruit or Tribe1+Tribe2= new tribe of people (with humans it’s a little less cut and dry being that we all come from Adam and Eve). Nonetheless, to every seed GOD gave his own body, and the celestial creatures have different bodies than the terrestrial creatures. Even if angles could mate and reproduce they can’t do it with us, they can only seduce and at best cause us to have spiritual intercourse and wet dreams.

    The reason why the sons of GOD are always referred to as angels is because the world after the flood and after Abraham is a different world than the one Noah was born into, there are 12 sons of GOD listed in Genesis, 13 if you include Adam. There may have been others, but these are the only ones listed. Luke corroborates this in his genealogy calling Adam “the son of GOD”. Even David and Jesus both say we are children of the Most High. Where does it ever say demons are children of GOD. This is the most dangerous teaching I have ever heard in my life. One that I am sure Satan is smiling and laughing at. The appellation of the sons of GOD in reference to man ended with Noah and was restored in Christ Jesus, the one who ushered in the Kingdom of Heaven and the Way of Life once up-kept by Noah and those twelve listed before him. Abel would have been numbered amongst them had he lived.

    I think you believe you saw things and understand things about the spiritual realm, but you must understand that Satan is using the Gentiles nations to intellectualize the simple word of GOD, and many of us fail to understand that Satan know scripture better than everyone of us. The more I listen to you is the more I start to believe you are on the same team as Jordan Maxwell, but there is something in your voice that makes me think that you sincerely belong to the Lord. But the teaching of fallen angles being anything other than bastards, let alone the sons of GOD, is one of the most damnable heresies next to blaspheming the Wholly Spirit. GOD Bless you are yours.

  3. Phillip King Avatar
    Phillip King

    chris, great show i’ve been looking for a good resource for prewrath bible commentary. Keep it up the show really helps me . Ill pray for you and grandpa

  4. Scotty Avatar

    Good show Chris, especially liked the videos with Cooper and Kurschner – good quality, well set up lighting, good questions and answers.

    I’ll be looking forward to your video on prophecy. My first teaching on prophecy was strictly pre-trib, dispensational, as I think is the case for many nowadays. I quickly came to question the pre-trib scheme of things however, seeing how ad-hoc and contrived much of it was. Now after investigating the many views on prophecy out there, including amillennialism and preterism, frankly I’m not dogmatic on any position. They all seem to have some truth to them, but as yet I haven’t been able to put them together in a cohesive paradigm. The events of 70 AD certainly seem to be of far larger importance than many dispensationalists admit, but I’m not sure that’s the whole story either. It’ll be fun to see what you make of it all Chris.

    Just a heads up for those “MP3 junkies” out there, I recently came across a great reading of “Answers to Prayer, from George Müller’s Narratives”:


    It’s totally free, great quality (the reader is clear and doesn’t stumble), and is a great boost to faith. Many here have probably already read Muller, but for those (like me) who haven’t, this is a real eye opener to the power of trusting in God. Well worth the time listening to it.

    God bless all,

  5. legna Avatar

    Hello, Knowledge = POWER…Exposing Deceptions…. Curious??? Please visit: http://www.kip6.blogspot.com . A simple, clean, with NO ’’donate’’ button, with 0 advertise blog for the information ”hungry” people(the informations are 100% documented/ sourced)… a nice/ easy to use ”place” to begin to inform yourself with quality info’s…enjoy 🙂

  6. MicahG Avatar

    Of course Chris White is on the same team as Maxwell! He’s only making all these Icke/Theosophy/Maxwell debunkumentaries because he’s trying to cover up the fact that he’s really a 90th Degree Illuminati reptilian Jesuit mind control slave working for the council of 9. Seriously though, I think its really unproductive and silly to throw the word “Heresy” around simply because someone has a different interpretation of scripture than you do. Whether you believe in the Sons of God being Angels(or Angles) doesn’t change the fundamental beliefs of the Gospel. I honestly don’t think that Chris is dogmatic in this belief either…If it turned out that he was wrong in his interpretation I don’t think he’d have a hard time admitting it.

    As for me, I really enjoyed the first video and I’m about to watch the second…Definitely interesting stuff and I’m totally undecided on Pre-trib, Post-trib or Pre-Wrath…I with LA Marzulli on Pan-Trib 🙂 Anyway, keep up the good work Chris, I really appreciate and benefit from all that you do, so THANK YOU!

  7. D Avatar

    Wow, both of those interviews were incredible… I remember several years back when I was searching for solid answers regarding the rapture/tribulation, etc… Once I came across 2 Thess. 2, then it was settled, there was nothing left to think about. Scripture is so clear on that issue…

  8. oatstao Avatar

    the interview at 30:00 is revealing and very heartfelt and it’s got many parallells with my experience. I had in and out awakenings the past 15 years and it’s been slow process but the light is here.

    It’s amazing and depressing how people are just experiencing as new what I went through already and when I speak of the words of Jesus and even demonic or satanic principals, there are very few people who want to hear it. We are at a head of hedonism and it’s boggling that many women who have children are promoting homo-sexuality here on Vancouver Island. Much to be seen and to be understood but there is some defecit of honest family approach to humanity in Canada these days. Peace and keep up the good work.

  9. Ryan(Cape Town South Africa) Avatar
    Ryan(Cape Town South Africa)

    Hi Chris, awesome show man, i would love to take care of the content and whatever else on your 2012 Deception website, i am a .NET developer, and i think i know my fare share when it comes to the 2012 deception, not forgetting my passion for debunking.



  10. telson Avatar

    Nowadays, people in the world are speaking pole shift, solar storms, changes of the earth’s magnetic field, increasing of earthquakes and volcanic activities. The mankind has been awoken to observe and understand that something is happening on the earth, the sun and the space. The Bible (the Word of God) tells the things and phenomenons of the end time that shake the world, which are large and disastrous earthquakes, solar storms and earth’s pole shift.

    You can read the whole article in here:

  11. Judah Avatar

    These videos were very informative. I enjoyed it a great deal. The comment about global hardship is true. As Christians our lives may not be easy but it does not compare to the persecutions overseas. We need to toughen up a bit. Long time listener, reader, ect. Great job Chris.

  12. The Mullet Man Avatar
    The Mullet Man


    I think 2 Thessalonians 2 is interesting. Even to Book of Enoch appears to corroborate:

    9 And after that in the seventh week shall an apostate generation arise, And many shall be its deeds,And all its deeds shall be apostate.

    10 And at its close shall be elected The elect righteous of the eternal plant of righteousness,To receive sevenfold instruction concerning all His creation.- Enoch 93:9-10

    There isn’t a mention of the Son of Perdition here, but it does seem to suggest that the righteous will be sequestered so that they may receive a revelation.

    Rev. seems to be replete with this concept of a sevenfold manifestation of God, mostly within the context of the church: 4:5; 5:6; 3:1; 1:4.

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