NTR – Prayer is Cool

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/ntr_prayer.mp3]

A few show notes, re Maxwell and Nephilim, and then I talk about a recent epiphany I had regarding prayer. I play a new audio compilation about it, one that I made and another made by someone else.

Show Notes:
“A debunking of the ‘modern nephilim hybrid’ mythos, just launched, with more to come.
Includes such topics as, what the nephilim were, nephilim before the flood, human giants after the flood, and the lack of a return of the nephilim in Bible prophecy.
Also calls for Christians to stop teaching that ‘modern nephilim/hybrids BOTH exist AND cannot be saved’. ”

The Kneeling Christian (amazon)

http://www.aren.org/prison/documents/religion/Misc/The%20Kneeling%20Christian–An%20Unknown%20Christian.pdf (PDF)

http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=The%20Kneeling%20Christian%20AND%20collection%3Aopensource_audio (audio)


9 responses to “NTR – Prayer is Cool”

  1. gonny Avatar


    Awesome job. I was in tears by the end of this one. Prayer is a powerful thing. God Bless!

  2. Guarddog Avatar

    Praise God, I’ll have to listen to this one again. I have also had a similar conviction of knowing the power of prayer but not engaging in prayer as often as I should. This is very motivational. Thanks Chris.

  3. Luis Avatar


    I think it would be appropriate to paraphrase David Guzik here:

    2 Corinth 12:8- “Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.”

    -so Paul prays about his bodily infirmity. Upon the 3rd time, he didn’t have an answer. Upon the 3rd no answer, it bothered him.

    -Unanswered prayer bothered him. So he sought God deeper, which God’s answer completely surprised Paul.

    -it is important that we take heed by what we mean to be unanswered prayer. He could give me a no, yes or wait answer. Paul received an unanswered prayer. He would make Paul to triumph in this infirmity rather than over it. It was answered after deeper seeking.

    I’ll be seeking and praying.

  4. D Avatar

    Thanks for posting the link to the site about Nephilim hybrids, I’ve had a lot of questions about this stuff, since there does seem to be a lot of information out there (even from Christian sources, even within the “circle” of the Revelation Radio Network…) that has never quite added up to me…

    One thing in particular that I’ve seen pop up many times is the use of the verse in Matthew 24 where it says, “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be…”.

    Many times I’ve heard this verse used to try and prove the idea that Nephilim will be all over the earth in the Last Days, but when you read the actual text, Jesus explains the comparison He is making… This article here (http://stopalienabduction.com/nephilimhybrids/wordpress/?page_id=41) totally zeroes in on this very point, and rationally refutes this Nephilim-centric interpreation of Christ’s words. I found it very helpful, and I wish more people who seem to be obsessed with the whole Nephilim issue would stop and read it…

  5. Tatyana Avatar

    A big thanks for “The Kneeling Christian” pdf link. It’s just what I needed.

  6. Ryan Avatar


  7. […] Nowhere to Run Full Podcast: NTR – Prayer is Cool Date: 2/12/11 Host: Chris White Notes: S.D. Gordon, Sidlow Baxter, Matthew 6:6, Hudson Taylor, […]

  8. […] Nowhere to Run Full Podcast: NTR – Prayer is Cool Date: 2/12/11 Host: Chris White Notes: E.M. Bounds, 1 John 5:14-15, Martin Luther, Charles […]

  9. Conner Avatar

    Now I see why so many people of “faith” will be DECEIVED. It’s based on believing LIE’S that are easily seen through if you do not lack discernment, prayer & study. Is this not what is whole experience is about, the Righteous-seed & the Evil-seed; those whom obey God/Yahweh and those who do not and are (cursed.

    No, all roads do not lead to Rome or Egypt or even Heaven for that matter; I’m sorry we can still have love but everybody dose not get to the promised-land.

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