NTR – The Downer Episode

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/ntr_1_25_11.mp3]
First, lots of announcements: New Website look and updates. New study on Verse by Verse. Doctor Future tells us about an upcoming project. I discuss new project about prophecy. Then The downer begins, with a lecture about people that love conspiracy more than Christ, and how I quit watching pornography.


10 responses to “NTR – The Downer Episode”

  1. TS Avatar

    Prophecy is awesome, one of the biggest proofs for the Bibles validity.

  2. blackshadowsnoopy Avatar

    Hey I really appreciate your honesty on the pornography issue. My experience is much like what you described. There was a time when my struggle in that area was like a giant iron mountain, but to my amazement it is now (several years later) down to a small hill relatively speaking. Still have my struggles but I’m hoping that this pattern of victory over this desire will continue as before. Looking at woman as either a mom, sister or daughter has helped a lot too. Shalom.

  3. Guarddog Avatar

    1 Corinthians 10:13 is a great verse to dwell on in times of temptation: “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

  4. Ed Avatar

    i kindda agree with everything you talk about except the Christian part. I was a christian who became muslim, it’s death penalty for muslims to contact the jinn. muslims worshiop only god and god alone with no partners, you should research what Shirk and TAWHEED means. and mybe watch what muslims blieve about the jinns. on this video

    with regards to the ARRAVILES it’s like zietgiest for the muslims, alot of lies and fabrications they have their own agends for brainwashing the muslims.

  5. Dancho Avatar

    I cannot stress enough how EXACT your description of your battle with pornography is to my experiences fighting against sin. The continuous stumbles and innumerable attempts are constant, and not getting disheartened is a battle in on itself. But I know that, with the God’s love, it is only a matter of time before the shackles of sin fall off.

    I would also like to comment on the issue of pride that you mentioned, and to anyone that has a problem with it, I recommend you keep Romans 7:20-21 close at heart:

    “20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

    21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.”

    The desire to dominate others will always be with you, but it will be a part of you only if you let it. That desire is a part of a different person, and when it speaks its lies to your heart, you should treat it just as any person, that you know speaks lies to your ears. Simply smile, and ignore it, for it is just a lie.

    At least, that is what i think.

  6. Fork Avatar

    Finally got around to listening to this one. Well said, Chris. On all fronts.

    “Conspiratainment”. I love it. I’ma hafta use that one.

    Someone once told me you have 2-3 seconds to “fall into temptation”. Lust, for example. You see the thing, you recognize the potential for trouble, and you cast it out of your mind/look away and don’t look back. 5 seconds is too long. If you linger at all, it gets that much more difficult to pull yourself out of it…you’ve “fallen” into it. It happens THAT quickly.

    Thought that was interesting.

  7. ak Avatar

    Definately not a “downer episode”. Personal testimony is a powerful thing. If only more christians would be honest and share the truth about thier struggles in Christ. Porn is a big problem today especially since the internet has come about. I wanted to suggest that if you make a video addressing the porn issue that you include something concerning mastubation and oral sex being considered sodomy or not. There is a debate to define what sodomy really is.

    Sodomy laws seem to have been derived from men and their personal opinions or feelings about sexual relations in the marriage bed. Where does our God given freedom in the marriage bed begin and end. Is it wrong for a wife to massage her husband or maybe to kiss or lick him in the areas that they so desire. What about kissing? Is it wrong to kiss with your tongues (French kiss)? Is it wrong to engage in to any sort of foreplay that is intended to arouse or satisfy your spouse other than the the act of vaginal intercourse and getting right to the procreative process? No hands? Just stick it in, get your business done and pull out? Some people have more enjoyable sex after they have been aroused before hand. Is it not considered natural use to have sex with your wife while she is pregnant because she cannot be re-fertilized? Or maybe if you or your wife have been injured and are not able to conceive children, than it would be considered unnatural and a crime against nature for you to have sexual intercourse just for pleasure not being able to procreate? Isn’t there a reason why God did not get into specifics about intercourse and foreplay in the marriage bed. Do we fashion our sexual practices after what gays do between themselves? Heterosexuals were here first and everything that homosexuals do is to perverted and mimics how we perform and enjoy sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. To label what homosexuals do involving sexual intercourse(other than anal sex of course being that it is totally unnatural) as gay behavior, then we might as well consider kissing and holding hands as something queer also right? They are the perversion, not a heterosexual married couple joined as one flesh choosing to explore and satisfy each other sexually. The Webster’s 1828 simply states sodomy to be a crime against nature. That’s it. They were smart enough not to make rules for the marriage bed between a man and a woman. A crime against nature is a man with a man or a woman with a woman. I just cannot see that a husband and wife are not allowed to sexually arouse each other in any other way or motive other than to conceive a child. Did Solomon want to have children with all of his wife’s and concubines? Did King David want to have a child with Beersheba?

    I think that there have always been people who choose to see and feel more conservatively/extreme about things than others. And where the Bible rules the Bible rules I will not debate it. Better safe than sorry! But a lot of the original laws conceived in this country were extremely out of whack of good judgment. If you choose to respect one of them than they all must be golden right? The Puritans would punish wives for not having sex with thier husbands. Sodomy laws originaly seem to have been put into place by King Henry VIII . He was a believer in core Catholic theological teachings, even after his excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. Henry is famously remembered for having six wives—two of whom he had beheaded—which helped to make him a cultural icon, with many books, films, plays, and television series based around him and his wives. Later in his life he became morbidly obese and his health suffered; his public image is frequently depicted as one of a lustful, egotistical, harsh and insecure king. This doesn’t sound like a man that should be regulating what goes on in a marriage bed. He also believed in burning witches and hanging sodomites? This seems to be where our countries sodomy laws originate from.

    I just have a hard time seeing something that my wife and I choose to do in our marriage bed whether it be hand play or mouth foreplay as being something that is defiling the land as some choose to put it. I have yet to see the specific scriptures forbidding it.
    I dont know if you have listened to any of Scott Johnsons teachings on the topic but he is very condeming and lacks solid research regarding why sodomy is defined the way that it is.
    Anyways, thanks for being honest. Sorry, to make this so long and graphic but if christian couple truly are performing sodomy by oraly pleasing each other than sombody needs to do a better job proving it so that they can repent of thier sin.

  8. Jonathan Avatar

    Thanks for another great show. I don’t agree completely with your view of the end times, but I enjoy listening to what you have to say because you seem to genuinely want to know the Bible truth on each issue and, in that way, we are kindred.

    I also appreciate very much your honesty and description concerning your battles with pornography. It was an encouragement to hear of another brother who has been down such a similar road as I have been and shared in the good grace of our God in order to experience victory time and again.

    Praise the Lord!

  9. m.k. Avatar

    Too bad they didn’t let you talk.
    I don’t get Maxwell’s point about that Jordanus Maximus thing. :-/

  10. e8hffff Avatar

    Before you go on a rant about conspiracy documentaries, you might want to think about what you say next time. It was a stupid if not deceptive conversation.

    Without resources into the many fields, most of us would be still in the shadow of mainstream churches. Would the same go with books that deal with subjects other than from a Christian writer!

    Chris it sounds like you need to wear the trousers, both getting you out of the bedroom and also thinking without strings attached.

    Also was not happy about your Wikipedia based research into Ashkenazis and DNA. Are you that foolish to believe what wikipedia states, or what mainstream wants the masses to think? The whole experiments on DNA was illogical as it used samples that are not valid, and therefore false, yet you couldn’t see the faults in the premise of the tests. Another situation of you being ignorant or being deceptive.

    No offence but you have seemed to have drop the baton on the floor, so to speak.

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