NTR – Wives and More on David Icke and Theosophy

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/NTR_11_11_10.mp3]
I talk a little about how your primary ministry can be toward your wife.
Then I get into the various connections to David Icke and Alice Bailey.
At the end I play a clip about fasting from Paul Washer.

Show notes:

Pre Wrath audio lecture series



3 responses to “NTR – Wives and More on David Icke and Theosophy”

  1. Ryan Avatar

    Food for thought, as always Chris. My prayers are with you.

  2. legna Avatar

    hi Chris,

    I highly recommand to you to watch on my blog the posts ”Grade 5 – The Hidden History Of The Human Race: Facts Vs. Fictions” and the post titled as ” The Creation Science Seminars: Facts Vs. Fictions”…

    PLEASE watch all the classes within the grades, in those 2 posts you have aprox. 90 classes… you will learn about the book of revelation, the creation and much more, please just watch them,…

    I taught that i know much things, but when i watched those 90 classes, it showed to me how little i knew….

    I pray to God Jesus Christ that He will lead your mind to those ”classes”

  3. Jim Avatar

    Hi Chris,good job.Icke is a clever fellow.He has toned down his antichrist rhetoric when on the Alex Jones show,but the evidence is there for all to see on where he stands.Jones should know better as he is close to Texe Marrs.Pike is on-target with his open letter to Jones.Anyway,Icke is more sublte a deceiver than Maxwell or Tsarion,though on par with Watt.His videos are quite good if you leave out the spiritual angle,but then that is ultimatley what all the NWO is all about.As for the Prewrath Rapture,that is what I studied after seeing the flawes in Dispensationalism-pretrib rapturism.But it is still based on Dispensationalism ans Scofieldism,and that the current state of Israel and its’ people are the “chosen ones”.That is unbiblical according to John 8 Gal.3 and Rev 2:9;3:9 among other passages in Scripture.Springmeier was released from prison recently.He nailed the Illuminati well like the late pastor David J.Meyer of Last Trumpet Ministries.Hope to hear more shows on exposing Icke and your new video on him.Send it to AJ when it is done.Red flags are flying over his actions the past 2 years.

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