NTR – Zeitgeist, History Rewritten

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/zeitgeist.mp3]
From the Future Congress Conference
I talk about the history of the theories presented in Zeitgeist part one and debunk a lot of the new material that has come out after the films release.


6 responses to “NTR – Zeitgeist, History Rewritten”

  1. Lex Avatar

    These idiots are like evolutionists, they find similarities and then conclude that it confirms their pathetic theories. This is a great addition to Zeitgeist Refuted and to The Real Zeitgeist Challenge Debunked, well done.

  2. Koinonia Avatar

    Once again, thanks for your hard work. I can see the attention to detail and labor you put into your presentation. It is much appreciated and I hope you will continue to do this. God bless you Chris.

  3. […] NTR – Zeitgeist, History Rewritten @ Nowhere To Run with Chris […]

  4. Blue Avatar

    Keep up the good work.
    I was reading a thread on Theology Web Campus and suddenly 500 plus posts in a Jesus Myther arrived and posted up the usual stuff, one sees on youtube and did a blog post. So your mail was right on the button. Thanks. Blue.

    Here’s the link: http://aerycksmusic.wordpress.com/2011/08/02/post-538-apologetic-failures-iv/

  5. notjam3 Avatar

    post this every where its’ relevant on youtube comments please help:

    search for: Zeitgeist, History Rewritten – Chris White

    search for: The ‘Real’ Zeitgeist Challenge” DEBUNKED

    search for: Zeitgeist addendum is NWO propaganda

    search for : 2012 Enlightenment & the World Genocide

    search for: Satanic Priest Explains Pop Culture Brainwash

    search for: They are Misleading You

    search for: Mystery Schools – The Externalization of the Hierarchy

    search for : Jordan Maxwell Debunked

    search for: David Icke Debunked

  6. Troy Avatar

    I appreciate the time and effort you put into this video, and I wont argue about the validity of either, zeitgeist, or your debunking. But I would like to defend Manly Palmer Hall, the quotes you used from him were largely taken out of context, which is easy to do with a man that has thousands of lectures on nearly every subject. I would agree that Jordan Maxwell stole everything he claims from Manly P. Hall, but only for the credentials, Hall only preaches love and kindness in all of his lectures. When speaking on atlantis he’s giving his theory of what Plato was writing about, a mythical place like the tibetan Shambhala, etc. And he never glorifies lucifer or satan. I couldnt find the lecture you quoted that from, but i’d be interested in hearing the whole thing. I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of Hall, and read anything of his I can get my hands on.

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