
  • HardTail News With Doc: Chris White Interview


    Chris White from and returns to our show TOPIC Is The Bible Written Or Changed By The Illuminati… what does history, science and reason say about the subject.

  • Nowhere To Run June 06 2010


    This episode I talk about Financial Peace University and my new video “Was the Bible Written or Changed by the Illuminati”

    Show Notes:

  • Chris White on the Omega Hour


    The Omega Hour is hosted by Minister Dante Fortson and Bro. Benny “BJ” Jacobs. Every week we will bring you a great show from 8pm – 10pm PST. The topics we cover include but are not limited to Angels, Demons, Aliens, UFOs, Ghosts, Supernatural, Religion, and Politics. Make sure you tune and and bring friends. For more information on Minister Dante Fortson and Bro. BJ please visit

    Join Minister Dante Fortson  for this awesome 2 hour show. The Bible, Politics, and the supernatural from a Christian perspective. Each week we will bring you a great show and special guest, so don’t miss a minute. Bring a friend and enjoy the program.

  • Nowhere To Run – May 19th 2010

    In This episode of Nowhere To Run I talk about the Keith Truth’s new film “Aquarius, Age of Evil” other news and updates, Catholic Testimonies, homosexuality, and marriage advice.

    Show notes:
    Send ex-catholoic testimonies to:
    Links to buy Aquarius Age of Evil from Keith “Truth” Thompson
    homosexual video in 10 minute segments:
    David Guzik’s free audio marriage series

  • Nowhere To Run – May 02 2010


    I discuss some of the history of how I got started doing this as well as talk about the direction I am going now. I play the entire episode of a brand new project I started with Mike Tatar called Verse by Verse Bible Teaching Podcast

    Show Notes:

  • Straight Talk About Maitreya

    If you have spent any amount of time in alternative conspiracy circles you have probably heard of Benjamin Creme’s “Maitreya” I have mentioned him a few times in my videos as well. I would like to take a second look at this figure, because I don’t think everything is as it seems with him, and not for the reasons you might think…


    Bejamin Creme, an Englishman, claims to be in contact with an entity called Maitreya. This entity speaks to him through telepathic means, a communion he sometimes refers to as an overshadowing by Maitreya. Creme claims that Maitreya is the “world teacher” that is awaited by the Theosophical Society. As the Theosophical Society’s World Teacher, he is Jesus, Buddha and Krishna wrapped up in one, something known as the “Christ Principle” or “Christ Consciousness.” Creme claims that Maitreya has prepared a body for himself, and lives in London, and will soon begin his public ministry, which consists of “showing us the way out of our current difficulties and bring the new teachings which will guide humanity towards its next evolutionary step.” In fact, in a recent post on the Share International website, Creme claims that Maitreya has already begun his public ministry by appearing on American TV. Unfortunately, Creme refuses to tell us what name Maitreya goes by, but more on that later.

    Creme basically claims any miracle or weird occurrence is because of Maitreya… for instance on his website, Creme claims that the ending of the Cold War, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the end of apartheid in South Africa were just a few examples of Maitreya’s “peace miracles”. So the pattern has been the same, the more outlandish the claim the more publicity, and then when it doesn’t happen, Creme just comes up with a lame excuse to explain why it didnt.

    One of Creme’s early publicity stunts involved the date July 31, 1985. When Maitreya disappointed a group of reporters who had gathered to see him, Creme claimed that Maitreya was thwarted by “Cosmic Evil forces”. Creme refers to these forces in an article, in which he interviews himself with a Question-and-Answer-format, just as Helena Blavatsky would do:

    Q.I remember when the journalists were waiting for Maitreya in London with Patricia Pitchon [31 July 1985], when apparently Hierarchy decided to move forward, and was attacked by evil forces, specially those from Outer Space, those called Cosmic Evil forces. So Hierarchy had to shield the Earth and some moves in the Reappearance had to be postponed. Now that Maitreya has moved forward, does it imply that our planet is more shielded against intrusions from Cosmic Evil forces, as a consequence of permission given from divine levels of our planet and beyond, to permit Hierarchy to work without being interrupted?
    A. No. Maitreya took advantage of an opening of a window of opportunity at a given time.
    In order to get a complete understanding of who Maitreya really is, we must take a look at his past. When we do so, we notice a string of misses, especially with regards to dates, and appearances. As we know, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign,” and Maitreya’s signs are not even a little miraculous.

    Signs and Miracles

    Creme has claimed that everything in the sky is the star sign, he has a plethora of totally ridiculous pictures on his website all of which Creme claims to be alien spacecraft, which is what he says the star sign actually is. Some of them are of Venus, others are close up shots of stars, while others still are colored blurs. In the end, all they prove is that Creme has become so desperate, that he will put up any old picture people send him, in order to keep the momentum going. It’s not easy to keep the hype going after 35 years…

    He also claims that Maitreya has taken credit for the Norway Spiral. This one is particularly funny if you have spent any time at all looking into the Norway spiral, because it clearly is some sort of land to air projectile that spun out of control in an interesting but not unique way, as evidenced by viewing the spiral from almost any other angle. I will put a link in the description section that has some really good info in this.

    There are other miracles that I encourage you to check out on his website including crying Madonna statues, Crop circles and reflections on buildings.

    I would have you notice something else about them too….out of all these dozens of so called miracles, none offer any evidence that Maitreya really exists outside of Crèmes head….all of them except for one…

    That is the claim that Maitreya showed up “out of nowhere” in a prayer meeting of Mary Akatsa in the middle of a crowed of hungry people in Narobi and spoke with them. And people were said to have worshipped him.

    I want to make it clear that this is the only evidence in the last 35 years that Matrieya exists outside of Creme’s head…if this can be proven to be false, then there is absolutely no reason to believe Crème about anything else.

    Here are a few interesting details about this event.
    First the reason this event is given credibility is because of the testimony of a man named Job mutungi, who was the editor of the Swahili version of the Kenyan times. And his article also published pictures of the event which they make sure to point out that photographers are always at this woman’s meetings.

    Now, according to this article that I found, published just after the events on June 28 1988 in a newpaper called the Washington Afro American,  it says that The Kenyan Times when it published the front page story about Jesus coming to Nairobi was in the process of conducting a quote “big circulation drive under the tutelage of British tabloid experts”

    This is a very significant point because it seems to confirms Fritz Springmeir who had written the following in a timeline, before his imprisonment:

    1986- Top executives of British Media agree to stage the Maitreya’s “Day of Declaration”, but higher authorities in British government veto it.

    According to this timeline this was two years before the Nairobi event.

    Another piece of information about this meeting, is that the woman who was conducting this meeting, was well known in the area for her heretical teachings. In one interview she explains her method of healing through an interpreter:

    MN. Do you go into trance when you are healing? Do you feel the Christ’s energies flowing through you? Are you aware of what is going on when you are healing or does the Christ take over your body?
    M. Mami changes when the power goes through. She’s absolutely in trance. She doesn’t recognize individuals. A screen covers her eyes and messages appear on people’s chests.

    Adding to the evidence against Maitreya’s Kenya appearance, is that there appears that another evangelist was competing with her across town that week, an evangelist who was drawing much bigger crowds than her, according to the afro times. I would also add that later on it would be claimed that the other evangelist said that Jesus would show up in Nairobi,  this detail seems to be added later and no one ever remembers hearing him say it as far as I can verify.

    Lastly, this figure who appeared as a Muslim Jesus was said to have “appeared out of nowhere”, but yet he left in a car, after asking a man for a ride to the bus stop! Later, the man who gave him a ride to the bus stop came back to the meeting to tell the crowed that he vanished into thin air at the bus stop that he took him to. So we have to take this driver’s word that there was a miracle after he left.

    So, in terms of authenticity, we have the fact that British Tabloids were helping the Kenyan Times increase circulation, the fact that whoever was there claiming to be Maitreya, appeared out of nowhere, but asked for a car ride to a bus stop, presumably because he was out of spirit gas to vanish back into thin air, and the only witness of this “miracle” is the driver who took him to the bus stop. How likely is it that Maitreya is who Creme claims he is, or for that matter, how likely is it that Maitreya is anything other than a fictional character from Creme’s imagination?

    Publicity Campaigns and Raj Patel

    Creme has been using the same tactic for 35 years, which is to take out big advertisements in major newspapers, and make bold claims like a few decades ago when he took out full page ads in major newspapers claiming, “The Christ is Now Here.” In 1982, Creme claimed Maitreya would announce his existence on world wide television broadcasts, and that he would do that on Monday, June 21, 1982. Yet again, he has done the same thing when he recently put out, this time  television and radio ads all over the world claiming that a star sign in the east would herald Maitreya’s  public ministry very soon. Creme has appeared on many radio shows and other interviews over the years telling people about Maitreya.

    So Creme, following his usual pattern, put out a bold press release and an equally bold ad campaign, this time on major television and radio networks, around December 12th 2009, claiming that Maitreya would show himself very soon and he told everyone to look for a star sign shining brightly in the east. He also weaved his “Christ Consciousness” theory, which is the belief that Jesus was the same as Buddha and Krishna, also a crucial part of the deception… Then he put out a press release saying that Maitreya’s public appearance had actually begun. Creme said that Maitreya had appeared on American television but refused to say where people could watch it, oh and of course he said Maitreya wouldn’t use the name Maitreya.

    Now this of course lead to people looking around the internet and checking their tv guides to see who had given their first interview on American television on a major network at that specific time window. This lead people to Raj Patel who certainly looks the part, and other than a slight stutter problem has a very convincing speaking demeanor as well. The kicker was that he is talking about the very thing that Creme said Maitreya would focus on, which was the waste of food resources and how to distribute them to those in need (Mr. Patel has a book that he is promoting on this very subject). My personal opinion is that Creme did want people to think it was Patel even if just for a little bit to keep interest in Share INTL going. After all, he could always not confirm or deny it as he always has unless Raj specifically denied it, but I don’t think Crème knew it would be as big as it was and that it would eventually require a public denouncement of Crème and Maitreya on the part of Raj Patel. The reason I say that it seems Creme wanted people to think this, is because of Creme’s reaction through all of it. When it was suggested that it was Raj Patel at first Creme did his usual thing just keeping the hype going and be ambiguous. Eventually, Patel came out and said that he thought Creme was a whacko. This forced Creme to admit that Patel was not Maitreya.

    Maitreya’s Public Ministry

    Now in more recent developments Creme claimed that Maitreya has now appeared 11 times on American TV. Creme says that Maitreya is about to do shows in other countries including Japan, Europe, South America, Russia and China, and when this happens, Creme says he will be speaking the language of whatever country he is in.

    In a recent publication, Creme offered more of his signature tantalizing clues as to where you can find these interviews without actually telling you anything of value. Some of the clues are:

    1)That they are high-powered television interviews from major TV programs and that via the internet Maitreya can be heard and seen by millions at the same time.
    2) All the interviews have been on the same channel up until now.
    3) They are all about 30 mins long.

    So the wild goose chase continues. But this time he digs his hole deeper, after all, how many American Talk Shows do you know which have interviewed the same person 11 times, at 30 minutes a pop, on the issue of food shortages and spiritual truth?

    At this point, we should also be asking ourselves, “If Maitreya’s message is so crucial to the salvation of mankind, why is he hiding? Why is he using cryptic signs, and masquerading as a common person, rather than declare his supposed glory, and claim his throne as messiah?”

    Alleged Links to the United Nations
    There is also the claim that Share International has consultative status to the UN. What I have done in the past, is quote the same line that people often use when talking about this which is that,

    “Share International Foundation is accredited as an official non-governmental organization (NGO) by the United Nations, and the magazine, as stated on the inside cover of each issue, is published by SI “…in association with the Department of Public Information at the United Nations.”

    Now you can go to the Non Governmental organizational website of the UN and look through their directory of NGO’s and you will notice that Share international is not listed.
    But the question is, does anyone know what an NGO is?

    I submit that even if Share International was listed as an NGO of the UN in the past, there really is no special requirements, other than being non-profit and in good standing. The rewards for being an NGO is equally unremarkable- 50 reserved seats on the upper deck of the general council meetings as long as nothing special is going on. You could also ask “Kids with a Cause” and “Girl Scouts of the Philippines” as they are both NGOs of the UN, and as far as I know, they are not helping usher in the New Age of Aquarius. You can also look through the requirements and benefits on UN NGO in the “about us” section.

    Antichrist…. or not?

    It seems that many people are concerned about Maitreya being the Anti-Christ. Even people that are not Christians seem to know that if this Maitreya person was anything more than a figment of Creme’s imagination, he would obviously be the Antichrist. When they hear a description of Benjamin Creme’s Maitreya they will say something like “oh you mean like the Anti-Christ” A case in point is George Norry of Coast to Coast AM , a man who very much disagrees with biblical Christianity. When he heard Creme’s description of Maitreya, he said that it sounded an awful lot like the Antichrist to him. He said he also got a weird vibe from Creme, as did many of his listeners.

    The point I am trying to make is that the bible says that almost everyone, and especially non Christians, will not suspect this AntiChrist to be the Antichrist. They are going to think he is the real deal. This is not the case with Maitreya, as absolutely everyone suspects him to be the Anti-Christ, even before anyone has even heard from him. There are many other things about Maitreya that I will mention in a moment that don’t add up at all to me.

    This got me and my friend Frank Lordi, my co-host from the Frank and Chris Show, thinking. It seems to us that this has all the hallmarks of a deception of some sort and I’ll talk about that in a second but first lets look at some scenarios in which this could be a deception:

    1.) Creme could be nothing more than someone like Jordan Maxwell or Michael Tsarion, who have a certain skill in speaking and basically spread the message of luciferianism to people who have recently shattered paradigms and are vulnerable to new programming.  In telling people about Maitreya, Crème always makes sure to slip in the key component to the externalization of the mysteries in my opinion which is that Jesus was just the “Christ consciousness” and it will be the same consciousness that was in Buddha or Krishna that will be coming back in the future…whether you believe in Maitreya or not this is the message that will prepare the road for the real antichrist and it doesn’t matter if Crème is proven to be a fraud or not as long as he can keep getting that message to audiences.

    2.) It could also be another form of a misdirection or slight of hand. If people focus all their energy on thinking that the entity that Benjamin Creme has been promising to show up for 35 years is the Antichrist then they are a not likely to keep looking, they would also look pretty silly when once again Creme is proved to be a fraud.

    I don’t deny that Benjamin Creme is talking to a spiritual entity who is telling him to say all this stuff.  The enlightenment or spiritual evolution message is pretty much consistent with the rest of the spirits who totally lie about their identities to the person they are talking to. As I have demonstrated in videos like “How 2012 Enlightenment Will Lead to Genocide” and “The 2012 Deception Presentation“, I demonstrate a possible use for this specific mentality for a united false utopia.

    You should also remember that these spirits have absolutely no qualms with hanging the person out to dry when they have done their task of evangelizing the core idea. Do you remember the 15 minutes of fame of blossom goodchild and her alien friends that she was channeling which told her to tell the world they were going to show up on a particular day?

    So in conclusion:
    Benjamin Creme has spent 35 years doing the same thing, telling people that Maitreya has just shown up, and then trying to explain why he cant tell you where he is, all the while, getting paid to travel the world on the hype and preach a specific type of luciferianism. There is no reason to expect Maitreya to show up just because Creme’s claims get bolder, especially as we have proven that Creme has been false on every single occasion in the past.

    I need to say and pay attention because I think this is where many of us including myself have been confused. Benjamin Crème was a big time fan of the theosophical society’s writings about the world teacher. His own writings are obviously heavily borrowing from Bailey and Blavatsky. Crème was just an unknown guy who after reading their writings claimed their world teacher was talking to him and he was about to show up on and blah blah blah 35 years pass…well the theosophical society apparently does not claim Crème, maby its because he has not come through so many times, I don’t know but I know that Crème is not a member of the society either.. the point Im trying to make is this…

    Yes the World Teacher that was prophesied by Bailey and Blavatsky sounds like the antichrist…and if they say their world teacher has returned you should watch your back.

    But in my opinion the only reason that Cremes Maitreya sounds like the world teacher is a.) Because Crème read so much Bailey that he knew the basic idea or b.) that he read so much Bailey that the demons he was letting into his body started acting like the world teacher in order to get people to hear their luciferian doctrine, as demons always play to the person’s paradigm. Whatever you’re into they will seem to confirm it.

    Yes the world teacher sounds like the Anti-Christ, but not even the theosophical society believes Creme’s Maitreya is the World Teacher. yes a man will show up at some point and have these basic characteristics, and we should be vigilant in watching. BUT with a track record like Creme’s I think that its time that genuine truth seekers stop saying how high when Creme’s demon says jump.

    Yes I understand Im taking a risk that Cremes could actually produce a youtube clip of one of these interviews that Maitreya has apparently done, and if he does, I will reevaluate all of this, but Im pretty sure he doesn’t have a hand to play. He’s been in the game for 35 years, and we’d expect him to have played an ace or two after all these years if he had them…

  • Nowhere To Run – 04 -13- 10


    I talk about new updates like:
    My new Nowhere To Run Facebook page
    DVD Tract updates
    New podcast interviewing missionaries
    New Homosexual tract
    New video “Barack Obama The Scapegoat”
    New Future Quake interview.
    Need for an assistant

  • NTR – The Dangers of Reiki Exposed


    This is an interview with Lynne Dickie about the dangers of Reiki energy healing.
    you can email her here here facebook page is here

    Show notes:

  • Freedomizer Radio Interview on 2012

    I recently was on Freedomizer radio with Doc discussing the various aspects of The 2012 Deception with him and his listeners. You can hear the two hour interview at this link or you can watch it on Youtube starting with the video below.

  • All The Religions Are Trying To Solve The Same Problem?

    In this episode I explain that unlike what many seem to think, all religions are trying to deal with the same problem in different ways. The interesting thing is that none of them even claim to have solved it except for one. I explore Greek Philosophies, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity.

  • NTR -Interview with Andrew John Hoffman

    I interview Andrew John Hoffman from
    He recently wrote a book explaining the new world order from a Christian perspective.
    The New World Order and the Eugenics Wars: a Christian Perspective is a book for anyone curious about what is going on in the world today. The topics examined include Biblical topics (the Fall, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, giants in the land of Canaan, the role of the king, the Kingdom of God), political topics (false paradigms, the role of foundations and secret societies, false flag terrorism, the nanny state), science topics (time, pseudo-sciences, eugenics programs past and present), economic topics (debt-based financial systems, fractional reserve banking, the fabricated business cycle and bubbles, financial derivatives, the Federal Reserve, the upcoming Bank of the World, carbon taxes), and spiritual warfare topics (occultism, satanic rituals, the spirit of globalism, prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit, etc.). Not only does this book address these topics, it also points to quality resources of information that are available for more in-depth research.

  • NTR – Feedomizer Radio Interview

    I was recently interviewed on Blog talk Radio’s biggest show “Feedomizer Radio” with Doc or SACROMANIACSmc. It was a great time, and I will be joining him every 2nd Wed. of the month right before the Frank and Chris Show. The subject was Zeitgeist and its errors but we talked about all kinds of things. its about 1 hour and 40 minutes long.

    Show notes:

  • NTR- A Guide For New Christians…And Old Ones Too

    This audio is intended mostly for new Christians, but It should also be beneficial for those that are further along in their Christian walk as well. I cover all the basics as well as give some recommendations for more study material.

    A Guide For New Christians from Chris White on Vimeo.

    Bibles in mp3 available for Free Download

    David Guzik Commentaries

    Guzik’s History of the church series

    Chuck Missler and others on

    Russ Dizdar

    Ryan Delmore
    Barry & Terri Collecutt
    Bob Dylan’s album “Saved”
    Chris Lizotte

  • Nowhere To Run 1-14-10

    This episode I talk about my upcoming marriage, the bible and its importance in our lives, the partial rapture theory and why I think its wrong, and the Spanish video gospel tract from

  • NTR- Gregg Braden Refuted and More

    Click HERE to download this video in FLV format 374MB

    If you prefer, below I have split the video  into shorter parts,and provided the notes for that particular section.

    Gregg Braden Debunked (1 of 15) INTRO
    Notes for this video:
    The 2012 Deception Presentation- (1 of 6)
    How 2012 “Enlightenment” Will Lead To Genocide (1 of 3)

    Gregg Braden Debunked (2 of 15) The Schumann Resonances
    Notes for this video:

    Gregg Braden Debunked (3 of 15) Pole Shift
    The Earth’s magnetic field reverses at intervals, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of
    thousands of years. It is believed that this last occurred some 600,000 years ago (Comins – DEU p.84).
    The overall geomagnetic field is becoming weaker at a rate which will cause the field to disappear by about 4000 AD.1 Other sources have put the date of field collapse as early as 3000 AD.

    Gregg Braden Debunked (4 of 15) The Earth Stops Rotating

    Gregg Braden Debunked (5 of 15) The Photon Belt

    Gregg Braden Debunked (6 of 15) The Sun’s Magnetic Field…92..221B

    Gregg Braden Debunked (7 of 15) Quantum Physics , Entaglement, Bell’s inequality EPR Paradox
    A commonly debated use of the term refers to quantum mechanics, where, if the outcome of an event has not been observed, it exists in a state of ’superposition’, which is akin to being in all possible states at once. In the famous thought experiment known as Schrödinger’s cat the cat is supposedly neither alive nor dead until observed. However, most quantum physicists, in resolving Schrödinger’s seeming paradox, now understand that the acts of ‘observation’ and ‘measurement’ must also be defined in quantum terms before the question makes sense.
    That is that the reason science must come up with a third possibility namely that the cat is neither alive or dead is because they cant mathematically detailed. And they like to be able to explain things mathematically..

    Gregg Braden Debunked (8 of 15) Fraudulent Footnotes

    Gregg Braden Debunked (9 of 15) The Great Red Spot…1…87X

    Gregg Braden Debunked (10 of 15) The Maharishi Effect

    Gregg Braden Debunked (11 of 15) The God Code

    Gregg Braden Debunked (12 of 15) Messages from Water

    Gregg Braden Debunked (13 of 15) The Global Consciousness Project

    Gregg Braden Debunked (14 of 15) The Council of Nicaea

    Gregg Braden Debunked (15 of 15) Jesus and Conclusion

  • NTR – 12-13-09

    This episode I talk about many things. My recent interview on from the bunker, The new Muslim Dvd Tract, the new video “The Arrivals & The Wake Up Project DEBUNKED” as well as playing a clip from Samy Tanahgo you can see the video here

    Show notes:
    This is the Muslim DVD TRACT (for some reason when I upload to this site the audio and video are off) but they are spot on if you wanted to download it directly here:

    Muslim DVD Tract from Chris White on Vimeo.

    Here is the new video “The Arrivals and the Wake Up Project Debunked”

    This is a expose of the Wake Up Project, Which has made films such as

    the Arrivals and Phase 3 as well as “The Divine Book”

    Transcript for this video available here.

    They are misleading you

    References to starts looking for similarities in ancient texts (a good place to read ancient texts)

    claims of zeitgeist

    (scroll down)

    Zeitgeist Refuted Final Cut (movie)
    Zeitgeist Part One Exposed (movie),com_weblinks/catid,2/Itemid,27/

    Cash for finding the similarities to Jesus in ancient texts

    pagan symbolism added by the catholic church to appease pagans

    The symbolism of the double headed phoenix

    The 2012 Deception Presentation

    How 2012 Enlightenment will lead to genocide

    2012 debunked

    The Text of the Bible and the Text of the Quran: A Brief History
    Textual Variants of the Qur’an

    The Text of the Bible

    Testimonies from Muslims




    Nasir Siddiki,

    What does the gospel mean?

  • The 2012 Deception – What it is and Why its Important

    The 2012 Deception Presentation from Chris White on Vimeo.

    This is a presentation that I will give at a upcoming conference in Nashville TN.
    It is a point by point refutation of the most popular theories regarding 2012 as well as my personal opinion about the reasons for the deception.
    I tried to be as thorough as possible in the debunking process, and I was able to cover many aspects of 2012 that I hadn’t already covered here on

    To download this presentation in mp4 format click here
    If you would like to download the power point presentation without my commentary click here

    If you would prefer a cliff notes version to this refutation (as this presentation is an hour long) you can view a video that I made last year called 2012 Debunked.

    This is a response at least in some part to the new movie 2012 by Sony directed by Roland Emmerich. The film has an ensemble cast, including John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover, and Woody Harrelson. It can be considered a review of the movie as well as an explanations of the specific theories proposed in that movie.

  • How 2012 “Enlightenment” Will Lead To Genocide

    October 05, 2009 10:18 PM PDT

    *feel free to re post, fix typos as needed*


    Since the early days of the 2012 theories when David Wilcock was channeling an entity named “Ra” people were told that 2012 was really all about enlightenment. This idea is the one we are supposed to believe I think, Yes I know, this is a bit of an insult to those who think that they have uncovered the idea that 2012 was really about a “consciousness shift” or “spiritual evolution” as opposed to some doomsday situation through their diligent research. Well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but this has been the line even back when 2012 ‘enlightenment’ was supposed to have occurred in 2000 (it was pushed back after it didn’t happen). Nowadays, it would be very difficult to find a 2012 website that doesn’t make a claim similar to the following: ‘Many people think 2012 is about the end of the world, but that is what stupid people think, we smart people know that it is really about a great cosmic shift in consciousness‘ Ok, they might be a little more subtle than that. But what I am saying is that you only think your the only one who knows 2012 is supposed to be about spiritual evolution, this what what you were meant to think all along. The idea, if properly presented, has many uses for a global government. One of which will be acceptance of the genocide of dissenters of that new system. Im not saying the people behind promulgating the ideas are part of a secret cabal or anything (for the most part anyway) in fact, I think they really do believe their sources, in Wilcock’s case his source is “Ra” and as we will see, there are many types of “Ra’s” out there, and they are extremely concerned with getting those who are willing to listen to them, to tell the world about this coming “enlightenment” in or around 2012.


    The idea is that the planet is due for a change in consciousness, they say its a spiritual evolution. Some say it will be physical as well as spiritual shift. They offer various pseudo scientific reasons for this happening, most of them if pressed, will default to a variation of the following to explain why we are to expect a spiritual evolution: That a vibrational change, which is supposed to be due to the solar system entering a certain nebula in or around 2012, will cause us to raise our “vibration” and thus change to new spiritual beings.

    I covered this theory in depth in my video “Michael Tsarion is Wrong 2009 a Debunkumentary” Where I found that not only are we moving away from the star system where this nebula supposedly is, but to suggest that the solar system passes through anything at all as a result of the 26,000 year precession cycle requires a fundamental misunderstanding of the precession cycle, which has nothing to do with the solar system’s position in the galaxy and therefore could never tell you when the solar system was going to enter a nebula, no matter how well you understand it. It simply does not, and never will have anything to do with that. And even if they meant to tell us that they were referring to the 250 million year cycle of the solar system’s revolution around the galaxy instead of the 26k precession cycle, then in addition to all the problems with the precession version of enlightenment (i.e moving away from the proposed nebula as well as literally no astronomical data that says we will be entering into any nebula at all, especially not in 2012) you also are expecting people to believe that nebulas somehow are made up of captured light particles as opposed to dust, gas, and plasma, which is a logical fallacy in itself, as light by its nature is moving rather rapidly and doesn’t gather in nebulas or anywhere else, and even this is assuming that nebulas are somehow known to cause spiritual enlightenment, but there is absolutely no reason to think this, even if they were made up of light, which they are not. The whole thing is based on logical impossibilities. And if someone tries to appeal to secret “ancient knowledge” to validate this they are usually doing so using some variation of the 26k precession cycle, because to the best of my knowledge, there is no indication that any ancients were aware of the 250 million year cycle of the solar system around the galactic center. And even if they did know about it, it would be illogical to expect that things would be the same from one revolution to the next, as the life span of a nebula is at the most several 100�s of thousands of years, and one revolution around the galaxy takes us 250 million years to complete. To put it simply, you cant expect a nebula to be there when you get back.


    What I find the most fascinating is that most of the time people are not requiring anyone to explain to them why they should expect this consciousness shift. It has almost become the background noise of the new age movement, and as such has been taken as truth, just because they have heard it repeated so often. They are content to take these snake oil salesman at their word. I realize that in some cases it is presented in such a way, using big words and detailed graphs that look very scientific, That it is easy to be sucked in, I once was, and although people dont understand the “science”, they feel that the reason they don�t understand it is that they aren’t smart enough to, which makes them believe the salesman is exceedingly brilliant because he apparently does, which builds trust in that person “that guy knows everything”. the fact is, the salesmen themselves probably haven’t been given many details about the mechanics of all this “shifting” either, remember its coming from their…sources, Yeah, so lets look at these sources for a moment.

    Channeling, and other forms of direct contact with the “spirit world” have been the primary way that this idea has come down to us. I have already mentioned David Wilcock and “Ra”. Ra, who apparently takes over Wilcock’s body from time to time thinks the exact same way as other entities who take over other peoples bodies all over the world. The only difference seems to be that the entities will claim to be different things to different people in other words, they tend to lie. Most of the time they claim to either be aliens from other planets, Pleadians, or Greys, sometimes they claim to be “ascended masters” from this planet, or light beings, or angels, or even just plain regular dead people. They definitely play to the the person paradigm.

    I would have the reader notice at this point that some of these claims are mutually exclusive, that is to say that it appears that although the message is exactly the same, which suggest a relationship, what they tell the humans about what they are is sometimes vastly different. This should be a red flag in my opinion, that the idea is not coming from the most honest of entities, whatever they may be. Here is a typical example of the message from these beings. in this example she is in contact with “star people”.

    “So you may be wondering then, why I am creating a 2012 Blog! I was asked during an alien channeling in Boynton Canyon, Sedona, AZ, late in the night, then nudged during meditations back at home in Oakland, CA, then told with loud clarity while driving through an amazingly strong vortex by the Trinity River, CA, and now since I didn�t take the other 3 blatant hints, I am being PUSHED to do so NOW! Alright already � I�m doin� it! And, actually, I am happy and excited back it, because it just feels like the timing is perfect. Also, I have notice so many people getting worked up about gloom and doom with 2012, I feel it is part of my mission to raise awareness. 2012 is certainly not a catastrophic event ~ rather a beautiful, highly enlightening shift to a high vibrational acceleration into very high dimensions! It is � Ascension at its all time Best!”


    There are literally hundreds of such cases, each one feeling obligated to share this message to the world after their supernatural encounters. in fact much of the enlightenment movement was started by people who admit their work is in some cases dictated directly to them from their entities. Take David Icke for example, one of the best known proponents of a coming “spiritual awakening” in 2012, his own testimony is one of “extra dimensional entities” telling him to write books on this. he claims that much of his early research was given to him directly from them. the same is true with the birth of the new age movement itself through H.P. Blavatsky and Alice Bailey who claim to have been given their teachings by “ascended masters” (humans who apparently have achieved this state of enlightenment).

    For those that haven’t actually channeled any entities, or had the displeasure of being abducted and indoctrinated by one, there are many that simply consult the spirit world with tarot cards, or some other means of getting information from spirits, The fact is, this whole idea has been given to us by the spirit world, almost without exception, and the most intriguing thing about it to me is that the spirit world either knows very little about astronomy and science, yet feels obligated to tell us what they think they know about it, OR they have another agenda that we haven’t figured out yet about 2012 and enlightenment, and it is necessary to lie about who or what they are for some reason.

    So how will this idea of spiritual enlightenment lead to genocide? Very easily given the proper circumstances. It is my belief that the proper circumstances are in fact being planned, I understand that what I am about to say seems impossible at the moment, but i think that the world will be a very different place by 2012, and many weird things will be engineered to happen between now and then. This will be because there is an agenda that will greatly benefit from the masses believing themselves to be bucking the old system in favor of a new spiritually enlightened one.


    First lets look at some verbiage associated with the supposed coming enlightenment. Notice especially the view of those who do not wish to be enlightened, or those that simply will be unable to advance to the higher level like everyone else. There is a lot of talk of the need to be eliminate one group in order for the rest of the world to progress into this new promised spiritual utopia.

    Michael Tsarion:

    “and that the end date of two thousand twelve signals major changes positively for consciousness again, as I repeat before you can have the light or when you have a bright light the first thing you notice is the dirt.”

    The survivors are those who can adjust their consciousnesses and mentality to the nonviolent movement of nature and synchronize their psyches with the universal metatheme. Having the fates conspire to auger in cataclysmic external and internal events in order to undermine the rotten edifice that we stand worshipping, and bring it crashing down around us.

    As this photonic light gradually intensifies most people’s consciousnesses are going to rebel as we all do when a bright light is shined in our face, we turn away and cover our eyes we may even strike out at those holding the light towards us.

    Those few who can face this light and who are prepared for it will be guided, given their healing, and able to live their dreams. But these few will have to be deeply able to understand what’s happening to those around them in order to be defended against the worst effects of this the irregular but radical change.” Michael Tsarion

    David Icke, a person who also thinks the 26k cycle somehow will passes us through a light nebula says:

    “Then we can go into stage two which is the incredible consciousness shift which is going to happen, and is happening for man people already but it can happen for everybody IF we open up to the knowledge of whats going on and to do that the edifice oppression must go.

    …..And the second is not going to happen for many people, unless we remove the edifice of suppression,

    cause most people are going to think ‘What the heck is going on?’ and they’re going through this great change in a complete fog of what’s happening: FEAR, ‘Oh My Goodness, what’s happening!!’

    Two things to do here: One is to start focussing on how the world is controlled, identifying it, removing it. Secondly,

    than we can concentrate on the transformation spiritually that is unfolding unto the year 2012 and beyond.”

    A random channeling session I pulled from the internet said:

    There is an extraordinary Divine Alchemy also happening with your planet and humanity as it experiences this karmic transmutation. The roots of a new human evolution are taking hold. Through the changes that will occur in your lives and in your world over the next years, a human society of Oneness will indeed be birthed. If there is no change, no upheaval which causes the old ways and systems to be evaluated and dispensed with, then no evolution is possible.


    Also notice the reasons given why we need to evolve from the spiritual state we are currently in. Its more of the tired old line that all the problems of the world were caused by religions and that religions, especially the christian one, is the greatest enemy of enlightenment. This is an idea which I explain in my video “Religious Wars Fact or Fiction?” that is also a piece to this complicated web of indoctrination we are going through. The sum of the video is that it was never true believers of any religions that caused wars, but instead it was governments who through controlling education systems, perverted religious teachings so they could get their people to fight wars for them. In fact, thats the reason why the bible was kept from Christians for 1000’s of years after Rome took over Christianity, because true christian teaching has literally no place for anything but absolute peace and love for your enemies, and that concept is not good for governments that love war.

    So I will now stop beating around the bush and tell you what I think is going to happen and how it will lead to genocide. Keep in mind this is my opinion, and I am still working on it, and I am sure that many of the details I propose about how we get there will be wrong but we will get there.

    A major war will be set up by those who have the power to make that kind of thing happen. I think there will be an effort to make this war seem like the same war prophesied at the end of bible, in order to give credibility to their next move. There will also be, before that, an effort in the coming years to make a man seem like the biblical anti-christ. They will make it look like he has made a peace agreement with Israel and the whole bit. They will put him in charge of some quasi global government, maby the UN or EU. This system and man will essentially be the “fall guy”. They will be destroyed to make what comes after them seem like the prophesied utopia.

    The culmination of this system will be a nasty war in the midst of terrible economic devastation. Basically everything that can be engineered to go wrong will be going wrong at that time. It is my belief that this will be around 2012. At a specific time, possibly even a very specific time, I.E. December 21, 2012 but it doesnt have to be it could just be close to that date. an event will happen that will activate all the years of indoctrination that we have been subjected to.

    The following could happen a number of ways, but many things will be accomplished with it. I have hypothesized in the past that it could be done with a false alien manifestation where we are saved from ourselves just in the nick of time by them, and I still think it will have something to do with this I.E. “Extra Terrestrials.” One of the reasons is because it would also activate some of our other programing at the same time, namely that we have been, in the same manner as 2012, taught to think that aliens existence equals no God, and so it would help us go into the new system united with a new belief about our origins as well as a worldwide rejection of God (this will be important later) , this new religion will be one where man believes himself to be God, again activating years of latent programming. The “aliens” will encourage this belief by telling us that we just aren’t evolved like them but that we too can be as gods (like them) I will eat my hat if it is not claimed that they genetically created us, because that idea would finally give evolutionist a way to temporarily explain the DNA code, (until someone asks “well who created their DNA”) The DNA code currently frustrates an honest evolutionist because the code betrays design. This would also be the best possible solution to national sovereignty problems that a world government has had,as we would willingly give up our flags and constitutions as we would now believe ourselves to be a part of a new galactic family, making national sovereignty obsolete. There is one more ingredient that will be added to the mix, this is the one that you will, if you understand Theosophy, know that any utopia cant be complete without I.E the World Teacher.

    In addition to the stated objectives, as early as 1889 Blavatsky purportedly had told a group of Theosophical students that the real purpose of establishing the Society was to prepare humanity for the reception of the World Teacher when he appeared again on earth. This was repeated again more publicly by Annie Besant in 1896, five years after Blavatsky’s death. In Blavatsky’s own writings, the only reference to a similar idea indicated that it would not be for at least a century.

    The world will believe that an ancient avatar or god has returned to save them from themselves. He will possibly claim a relationship of some sort to ET but he will most importantly have in some way destroyed the patsy antichrist.

    This person will activate another program that we have been given by the propaganda machine, this one is part of what is called the “externalization of the hierarchy”, which is the idea that many ages have seen an avatar come to them at crucial junctures, and that they were all the same entity, like Buddah, Krishna and Jesus, they will say they are all the “christ consciousness” I.E the same entity, this will seem to be a genuine god in the flesh, and we as a planet will like it..a lot.

    It is my belief that this man will in fact have many of the institutional churches convinced that he is the same Christ as the the 1st century Christ. and that the reason all the pieces dont match up precisely is because the bible was in error. After all he did destroy the antichrist, and he did save us from Armageddon, so he must be the Christ, only a little different that we were expecting. The lukewarm churches will embrace his message totally as will the rest of the world. and like Hitler after world war 1 and the treaty of Versailles, He will promise a brighter future than the one the people have just witnessed one with no more wars. a new world order.

    We will give him the reigns to this new technological utopia, but it is my belief that this will not be the end of bad things, but the beginning of the worst time in the history of humanity, one where this impostor will force the world, through technological means (possibly a chip), to worship him. and this is why in my opinion when the disciples of the real Jesus asked him what his return would be like He started his answer with this:

    Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

    5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

    6And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

    My friends, every conceivable conspiracy has in some way or another been leading up to this event, it has all been preparation for this, This is a spiritual war and there is a very powerful entity that wants to try to extract the worship from every human on earth. For the first time he has the infrastructure to control people in such a way to do this. All of the money systems, and geopolitics, and the police state buildup, and chemical poisoning of the planet, have all played a role in preparing the world to be spiritually milked by this ancient cherub. But no matter how powerful he is, he and all his demons are still subject to the lowliest christian who has been given total power over all dark spirits because the real Christ has given it to them, even though most do not understand what they have., that is why it is said ” the Spirit who lives in you [Christian] is greater than the spirit who lives in the world”. it is important to realize this next part is true in order to understand the reason why the Anti-Christ will have to convince the world that Christians must be systematically eliminated in the new utopia. The answer to that is found in the following verses:

    Luke 10:19-20 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

    The Bible also talks about this final world system killing Christians by the untold millions for not worshiping this false Christ. It has always been one of the hardest verses to understand in the bible for me, how could a world that pretends to be so moral acquiesce to such a brutal genocide?, I thought we would have grown out of Genocides by now, after seeing so many in the last century. The answer is that it wont be the same world. The next few years will be a roller coaster ride of weirdness if I am correct.

    It is also notable that most of the worlds religions can be reconciled to the idea of a guru messiah figure Islam Hinduism Buddhism and the new age, it is only Christianity that have been warned about this scenario, and it will serve as yet another reason that they will need to be made the public’s enemy. They simply cannot go along with the new utopia. but you can be sure that the world will be told this resistance to the new utopia is because they ARE the old system, and they are holding everyone back from the evolution they deserve.

    Matthew 24:23-24

    23Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

    24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

  • NTR – The REAL Zeitgeist Challenge DEBUNKED

    This is a response to a recent radio interview on blog talk radio with Peter Joseph the producer of the Zeitgeist movie and Acharya S one of its main sources, this is an audio refutation by me(Chris White)you have my permission to use this audio in any way you see fit.

    Show notes:

    http://zeitgeist challenge

    link to the first (June 11, 2008) rebuttle to achaya s by zeitgeist challenge

    evidence of the existence of jesus

    forged amulet

    Achary S – Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection refutation

  • Nowhere To Run 08-21-09

    First show back in a while. hopefully more shows on a regular basis from now on!

  • NTR – Vision For the People Interview and More!

    This is an interview I just did with Derek from Vision For the People. It went really well check out his show at

    also check out Tom Bionics new bible study podcast at