Updates, and Russ Dizdar talks about David Icke

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/NTR_Russ_on_Icke.mp3]

I talk about my Youtube account being shut down because of a false copyright claim from Gregg Braden. I talk about the new project, and play an hour plus clip of Russ Dizdar answering questions I had for him about Icke.

Russ’ Website


13 responses to “Updates, and Russ Dizdar talks about David Icke”

  1. JS Avatar

    cool, I’m excited to listen to this new podcast.

  2. Lana Avatar

    I’m so sorry to hear about your YouTube account, I saw it was gone today 🙁 I’m so glad I have this website bookmarked and I was starting to use it more than YouTube for your broadcasts.

  3. TS Avatar

    Can’t wait for the David Ike thingy

  4. Tim Curry Avatar

    Hmm. Wouldn’t it be easy to just make a new youtube account?

  5. admin Avatar

    Sure, but its not easy to get 10,000 subscribers. ;-(

  6. Jim Avatar

    Good point.Ten thousand people could’ve made it viral in a very,very short time.But when one door is closed the Lord will open another for us.Your videos are excellent.The deceptions employed by some of these gurus in the so-called truth movement are diabolically subtle.The twisting of history and false intrepretation of words,phrases,and symbology is staggering,and sadly many folks do not research things on their own.Icke is a sacred cow that has been given legitimacy in the past two years to a nominally Christian base by Alex Jones.You’ve got it right about guys like Icke,Watt,Tsarion,and a few others setting the masses up for Antichrist by the rhetoric of defeating the NWO elite[Illuminati],and a coming utopia.I believe this new video of yours will have a profound impact on both undiscerning Christians and non-believers as well.I haven’t seen it yet,but heard your interview on Antimatter radio,and the points you hit on where things I gleaned the first time reading his books,and listening to his interviews and watching his videos years ago.My prayers are with you.I’ve heard too many people explaing away Icke’s claim to be Christ in the past.They gloss over the fact that he talks and writes of his channeling and mystical experiences to this date.All these lost souls need our prayers.You do a superb job in exposing lies and duplicity without casting stones.Until they breathe their last breath,there is the same hope of salvation for them as for us.

  7. Jim Avatar

    Chris,it would be wonderful if Texe Marrs interviewed you on his show.That would be a good way to reach AJ without his fear of losing listeners,as he would never have you on his show.I don’t question the man’s faith,but he is definitely an opportunist,and as close to mainstream as it gets for an alternative media broadcaster.Also,Springmeier is out of prison. — http://www.henrymakow.com/fritz_springmeier_scam_alert_a.html

  8. Lex Avatar

    The tactics of the false truth movement:
    1st not definite sign: They don’t give stuff for free
    2nd They shut down other truth-seekers YT channels
    3rd They want to “show their fists”
    4th They show no respect for Fair Use if they are criticized
    5th They use cult tactics (bait and switch) they give you truth with proof but believe the rest which is usually New Age and/or alien crap and they deny the archeological and other proofs for the Bible and it’s history.
    etc etc etc

  9. Lex Avatar

    False Copyright Claims in a nutshell
    Start a website against false copyright claims 😀
    There was one but it’s not there anymore

    Anyway I stumbled upon this guy George Gordon and he is just super he covers a lot of topics…unfortunately he has no search box on the website 🙁

  10. Daniel Avatar

    (Of course they use cult tactics Lex… After all, they are occultists…) ;]

  11. Daniel Avatar

    I think Russ’s point about expecting a “burst” of demonic presence is right on… I find it interesting that individuals such as David Wilcock basically are describing that very thing in their New Age interpretation of 2012. Wilcock describes it as an event whereby millions of people will start experiencing all kinds of “psychic powers” and so on (i.e. become demonized…) It truly is a description of a “satanic pentecost”, and honestly, to me it seems to provide a very plausible fulfilling of the prophecied “great deception”… I also think the “sudden unleashing” of demonic activity is not improbable, when we stop and consider how many people today are regularly involved in things like yoga, who appear to demonstrate no immidiate effects of demonization…

    On a related note, has anyone else seen the documentary “Constantine’s Sword“? I watched it a couple days ago, and it gave me chills… It was a very methodical attempt at basically equating the symbol of the cross, with the Nazi swastika. I would actually recommend seeing it, as I believe it serves as a very frank disclosure as to where our society is being effectively steered by the demonic agenda…

  12. Constance Avatar

    I left a comment on the podcast where you interviewed Doug Perry back in July. It has still been bothering me, so I asked another person for their input. Sorry for putting this in the wrong location, but, since this particular podcast had “update” as part of the title, I took the liberty of using this location to put my own update on this man. While I thoroughly enjoy listening to your podcasts, this one did not sit right with me, and I wondered why you would give this individual so much air time, spouting off his own personal rhetoric, but I’m not the one choosing the topics – you are – so you must have had a reason at the time.
    Here is what the individual I questioned had to say:

    I had never heard of Doug Perry until you mentioned him. I have checked out his website and watched a few videos. He’s a nutcase and you should no longer listen to him about anything. Not even the weather. Let me give you a few examples

    1. He claims God speaks personally each day in all circumstances. God tells him where to find things around the house etc. Please read Hebrews 1:1-2. If he is right then the Bible is wrong. If the Bible is right he is a liar.

    2. He claims you cannot be saved unless you are baptized by immersion. Please read Luke 23:40-43 The thief on the cross was never baptized yet Jesus tells us he in Heaven.

    4. He claims he can interpret tongues anytime anyplace. In one video he claimed to interpret a Witch that was speaking in tongues. Now God speaks thru Witches?

    5. He has a friend who has gone to heaven and back. That’s not true.

    I could go on and on about how bad this guy is. His faith statement really has no Bible verses. It does not tell you who God is. It never mentions Jesus or the cross. The Boston Red Sox website is more Christian then his. In the videos I watched he never quoted a Bible verse he just spoke about experience. Please avoid him. Listen to Preachers like Steve Lawson, John MacArthur, RC Sproul, Al Mohler, Rick Philips, S.Lewis Johnson and there are so many more.
    This guy is nothing more then a little kid trying to play Church. Spend your time listening to manly men of God who rightly divide God’s word. It will never get boring.

    I realize you may not agree, and that is your perogative. I just felt I needed to give you another opinion.

  13. Jackson Avatar

    To Constance:

    1-Yes, if we are to accept this individuals exegesis of the passage. Here’s the passage:1-In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2-but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.
    -are we not still in the last days? Is it not true that when we are saved that it is Christ who dwells in us that we might be conformed to His image. I don’t think that God has hit the mute button to those of us who are endowed with His spirit. Please read Acts 2:17. God has several ways He communicates to us. How he communicates with you may not be the same as He does with Doug. BTW, Doug isn’t the only one who makes this claim. K.P Yohannan of Gospel of Asia claims that God spoke to him very clearly when fasting and inquiring as to how much money he should accept from a man wanting to donate $1,000,000 to his organization. You can see this in a video called “Christ’s Call: Radical Obedience by KP Yohannan”-Youtube
    2-Simply not true. Please watch his “Baptism of Fire! You need ALL THREE! ” video and see what he says about the 3 different forms of baptism. In fact, he makes it quite clear that baptism by water immersion is the most subordinate and it is the baptism of fire that really matters. I can reference other videos to disprove this claim.
    3(or 4)-I would like to see where he has made this claim. Nevertheless, he has claimed to have witnessed this very thing take place. Please read 1 Corinthians 12:10. From what I’ve gathered from his videos, his association is with former witches who have been converted over to Christ, not with those who actively practice witchcraft.
    5-Does this person know everyone who Doug calls “friend”? The truth is that Doug has provided shelter, clothing and food to thousands through Liberty Disaster Relief. If the NDE is in dispute, I would advise that he/she check out a video called Mickey Robinson’s Near Death Experience. Something about his physical appearance causes be to doubt that this was a mere DMT

    “His faith statement really has no Bible verses….In the videos I watched he never quoted a Bible verse he just spoke about experience”- it is because he carried out Matthew 19:21 that he lost his wife and kids. How many of us have that kind of faith?

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