Video Only – How I Quit Watching Pornography


6 responses to “Video Only – How I Quit Watching Pornography”

  1. Elin Avatar

    Great show Chris!

    One of the major keys for me to get victory over pornography was to realize, just as you say, that it was Satan condemning me and telling me to hide away from God whenever I fell into sin. I was feeling guilty and unworthy to seek God’s face. At last I realized that God was telling me to come to him even in those moments when I fell and we started to work on getting the victory together – he already had the victory and he was teaching me how to have it as well.

    Had success for a while but a major fallback for a few months but seeking God still. Then I heard this phrase in a sermon that stuck out to me and has changed my life: “activate your will”, which is as you say – doing your part. I can choose not to watch that, I can choose not to give time to that thought etc. I can identify the source and character of every thought I have and not allow the ones from the enemy. Instead I take authority over them in the name of Jesus.

    Activating our will according to God’s Word is discipline and a part of being a disciple of Jesus. My next project is to have victory over my procrastination and laziness. Already seeing major changes but a long way to go still hehe.

    My view of God has changed a lot through dealing with this addiction. God does not regard us with contempt but truly loves us to put so much energy and patience towards us 🙂

  2. Cesar B Avatar
    Cesar B

    Thank you Chris for speaking about this issues. For those of us who have recently found Jesus and come from a world of sin this is one of the hardest sins to deal with. I was able to give up smoking pot overnight but continue to struggle with sexual lust.

    I would watch porn everyday many times more than once. As a result I allowed it to control my life for so long that I didn’t realize what it was to be human either. It begins to consume your thoughts and pervert your daily encounters. If a girl that I found attractive crossed my path I would immediately undress her mentally and imagine her sexually.

    After finding Jesus in my life I began to view sex through a different perspective. I found the act its self is designed to be between a married couple. I personally know how destructive it is when done outside such a committed union.

    We need to purge ourselves from the idea that sex can be better with the right person. The world promotes the idea that casual sex helps us evaluate our partner before we enter into a permanent relationship. Porn further stimulates that belief as we spend hours searching for the next perfect video with the next perfect girl that will bring greater pleasure. Instead we destroy the relationship we are in because we are never satisfied with what we have.

    I have since given up porn but continue to struggle with my daily encounters. I found your video very encouraging and praise you for addressing such a personal issue. I too have stumbled and agree it becomes easier the longer you go without it. The test truly comes when you are out in the world and encounter attractive women. I have been convicted that even looking at a woman with lust is just as bad as fornication itself. I am confident that I can have the victory over such sin and thank you again for your guidance.

  3. Daphy Avatar

    Ongoing & frequent accountability with other godly men can be very helpful.

  4. pilgrim Avatar

    The thought that even the stumblings work together for good to them that love God is a mighty one, but it must not be used to promote further sin, but rather to draw away from it.

  5. Judah Avatar

    This is a very important topic to discuss. Pleasures+accessibly=sin

  6. Moose Avatar

    Very encouraging and a very brave Mr. Chris. I myself had dealt with the same issues for a very very long time (on and off for like 15 years! Woo-hoo! What a long freakin’ time! but wonderful proof of God’s forgiveness and understanding!).

    What really helped me was the bible. Just reading that every night has really helped me stay focused and increased my understanding of all the factors involved on the straight path.

    Side note to all those battling. I found that after stumbling I would having a short fuse or just be generally curt with my wife sometimes. All of that unfounded attitude went away after winning the battles!

    Take care and God bless!

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