Video Only: The Importance of Prayer


3 responses to “Video Only: The Importance of Prayer”

  1. Lina Avatar

    So encouraging! Thank you

  2. Tiago Viana Avatar
    Tiago Viana

    Hi Chris, i have for some time, followed your posts and videos.
    I am a 26 year old Designer, from Portugal. And i would just like to say that you are an inspiration, and a true devotee of the Lord. Although i may not agree in every single point of view, i trully recognize the great christian you are, and i praise all your hard work and research. Through some of your videos i was able to confirm some of my hints behind the true “nature” of ideologies from diferente sources like, zeitgeist, David Icke, some of the 2012 theories and others.

    I (like most christians) really want the final days to come, so we can once and for all fight all the evil in this world. Cause i have recently investigated so many theories that leave little room for doubt, that all have in common the dark hand of the devil, like the 911 true story; the influence of darkness in the music industry, Hollywood; the huge power and sphere of influence of secret societies and their “religious” beliefs; the orchestrated dumbing down of society, through “drugs” propaganda, the education system etc.; the construction of containment camps all over the US; the “advertising” behind 2012; corruption right to the bone of politics and corporations; and many other dark aspects that are so spread out and many times praised in this XXI century, that leave me wishing the time comes when the gloves come off, the devil shows his real face and we can finally unite to overcome this pest that causes so much pain and sadness in what could be a truly amazing and wonderful world for everyone.
    Glad i had this little monologue =) it felt good.

    Once again i congratulate you.
    Thank you for letting your voice be heard.

  3. mary jo Avatar
    mary jo

    this audio was a prayer – I feel now encouraged to continue to pray for loved ones that are not saved – this lifts my spirit and renews my promise to our Lord to pray for them since I have lately felt very discouraged but this renews me. I will even pray for this govt which I have felt is so infested with evil that it is beyond prayer but the message that no organization is beyond intercession has convicted me – So thank you for this. Hurry Lord Jesus! How I long for you to return.

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