NTR – July 14 2010

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/NTR2_July%2014.mp3]

Continuing with “Nowhere to Run 2.0” I talk about Doug Perry, My new unbelievably difficult project about the catholic church, upcoming interview with Richard Bennett.
I mention these books:
Love and Respect
The Five Love Languages.
Money Possessions and Eternity.
I read emails about Sleep Paralysis and The mark of the beast and briefly touch on the Seventh Day Adventists. as well as play some news from Persecution.net


7 responses to “NTR – July 14 2010”

  1. Rocky Avatar

    Adventists don’t believe Sunday worship IS the mark of the beast, but rather that it’s GOING TO BE sometime in the future when supposedly all the protestant churches will return to Roman Catholicism in the new world order. Adventists don’t believe Sunday worshipers today are going to hell or that Sabbath observance is going to win you salvation.

    Yes, the sabbath commandment, as you said, is about rest from work, pointing back to God our creator who made the heavens and the earth in six days and ceased from work on the Seventh and made it holy. Worshiping on the seventh-day doesn’t make the day any more holy than does worshiping on Sunday make Sunday holy. God already made it holy, He only asks us to keep it that way.

    The fourth commandment (about the Sabbath) is quite interesting in that it reminds of the literal six-day creation, something that even some Christians are denying (and falling for theistic evolution). That makes you wonder…

  2. Rocky Avatar

    Here’s evidence from Adventists themselves to prove my point

    “Christians of past generations observed the first day, supposing that they were keeping the Bible Sabbath, and there are in the churches of today many who honestly believe that Sunday is the Sabbath of divine appointment. None of these have received the mark of the beast. There are true Christians in every church, not excepting the Roman Catholic communion. The test upon this question does not come until Sunday observance is enforced by law, and the world is enlightened concerning the obligation of the true Sabbath. Not until the issue is thus plainly set before the people, and they are brought to choose between the commandments of God and the commandments of men, will those who continue in transgression receive the mark of the beast.”
    ~ The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4, Page 281-2

  3. Ma Avatar

    I am really looking forward to the interview with Richard Bennett and your project about the RCC. I was a former (but brief) Catholic and am so glad you are addressing this. God Bless.

  4. Shauna Avatar

    Good show – I’ll be listening to the Richard Bennett one next – he has a great heart for Catholics. Looking forward to your RCC project as well.
    SDA’s believe in “Investigative Judgment” which is a flat out refutation of the full atonement of Jesus Christ – they place it future depending on your behavior now. Anyone can just type in “Investigative Judgement” and read about it online. I know a family in this cult and they are forever ‘doing’ things to be ‘good enough’ to be fully saved, that is why SDA’s are so confused about eternal security. This is a good site: http://mmoutreachinc.com/seventh_day_adventists/sda_index.html (or replace this with one you know of). SDA refutes that Jesus Christ paid the penalty for all our sins on the cross, that is the whole purpose of their “Investigative Judgement” false prophecy. They are trying to mainstream into Christianity now so they have undergone some revisions….but look behind those and you see the same old false teachings with new names or ‘add ons’, so many are confused about them – they profess Jesus, but read what Jesus they profess because their ‘prophetess’ claims he was just the Archangel Michael before His incarnation as Jesus. In order to not contradict her ‘prophecies’ since the new SDA now professes the Trinity….except, they see Jesus as God the Son…& Michael. I do not understand how anyone in the SDA church who is even remotely familiar with their doctrines can be born again, because they profess a DIFFERENT Jesus, an angel of light, just like the Mormons, JW…etc.
    SDA needs to be seen as a mission field.
    Anyway, I have listened to a few shows online recently and have really enjoyed them – I’m glad I was directed here.

  5. allison elliot Avatar
    allison elliot

    since we are not holy, we do not have the capacity to make any “day” holy, whether we worship on it or not. the reason that the 7th day is holy has nothing to do with whatever religion decides to worship on that day. the reason the 7th day is holy is because at the end of the 6th day that this earth existed, the Creator of this earth declared that he would make a 7th day, “and He hallowed it”…to remind us that He Created us and loves us…it is the only part which He lovingly reminds us to “remember”…for when we forget our Creator, our anchor has lost it’s hold on firm ground. That is the only reason that the 7th day is holy. nothing we do can make it more holy or take away from the fact that it is the one and only holy day that our Creator made. it is holy because of Him…and His love for us to remind us…He made us, He knows the outcome of us forgetting that. Much the same as we earthlings have made a “mother’s day” or a “father’s day” to show our appreciation for our earth parents, our Heavenly Father wants us to recognize the blessing and benefit WE RECEIVE from knowing where we come from. He looks forward to that day every week, much the same as a parent here might look forward to their children coming over for lunch or dinner each week when they are grown.

  6. Rocky Avatar

    The concept of an investigative judgement with a look into works is actually derives from Wesleyan theology. Look up “final justification”.

  7. Norman Kellogg Avatar

    Someone else may have mentioned this, but I thought I’d put in my two cents. The English word “sabbath” actually comes from the Hebrew “shabua”, loosely translated as seven, seventh, or it can also be taken to mean sevens or groups of sevens, such as in the vision of the seventy weeks, as seen by Daniel 9:24: “Seventy weeks are determined …” etc, (KJV)
    Now to change the subject within the subject:
    One weekend a few months ago, an SDA conference was televised; since we are renting out our basement to husband and wife SDAs, they were watching, and told me that speaker at the moment was an important speaking in the SDA Church; I remember his making mention that the SDA Church was the REMNANT, which I had always seen as very clearly being taught in John’s Book of the Revela-
    tion as the Jews… this has nothing to do with us Gentiles; and there is mention of it in the Tanakh (what we Gentiles call the Old Testament).
    Getting a ride home from Dulles International Airport in D,.C.,
    I was talking to the shuttle driver,(who by the way is the uncle of the couple renting our basement); as he was talking about his SDA faith he mentioned Spiritual Israel. I wasn’t knowledgeable enough about it to comment on it, but I’m fairly sure that it’s not a doctrine held by most Gentile Evangelical Christians, and certainly NO Messianic Jew would hold to that doctrine. In fact, I think NO JEWs believe it, whether they are believers in Jesus of Nazareth or not. I think HE makes it clear that just because Israel didn’t recognize HIS coming, it doesn’t mean HE’s all through with them. All through the Tanakh is stark imagery of HIS return, of HIS judgement and HIS authority, and the bless-
    ings HE will bestow on Israel. If that were the case, then some-
    thing THAT important would have been spelled out clearly, literally, and very painfully in the Law and the Prophets; perhaps if HE had been done with Israel, there might never have been a Gospel preached through a chosen people. Israel is the key to so much scripture, including the Gospel, that I think we tend to gloss over it.

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