NTR – July 14 2010

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/NTR2_July%2014.mp3]

Continuing with “Nowhere to Run 2.0” I talk about Doug Perry, My new unbelievably difficult project about the catholic church, upcoming interview with Richard Bennett.
I mention these books:
Love and Respect
The Five Love Languages.
Money Possessions and Eternity.
I read emails about Sleep Paralysis and The mark of the beast and briefly touch on the Seventh Day Adventists. as well as play some news from Persecution.net

NTR – Doug Perry Interview – The Poor and Needy

[audio: https://conspiracyclothes.com/nowheretorun/audio/NTR_Doug_Perry.mp3]
This is an interview with Doug Perry from Fellowship of the Martyrs.
It starts out with a testimony about Dougs life and ministry and then we get in to helping the down and out, what does the bible say about it, what does it mean to us.

Show notes