Nowhere To Run 9-11-07 Robert Duncan O’finioan interview

A very special edition of Nowhere to Run. Chris interviews Robert Duncan O Finioan, former mind controlled assassin, brainwashed, conditioned and controlled as part of a series of highly classified MKULTRA programs. He is most likely the inspiration for the bourne identity movie trilogy. This interview discusses his efforts to release the information he has to prove his claims and they talk of how to keep this from happening to other children which is his new mission. And also how his claims have now been validated through the family jewels documents released by the CIA recently.
The real Jason bourne.

Show notes:

Robert Duncan O�Finioan�s website

his video interviews with project Camelot

another Project Camelot interview, this one with Dave Corso

the �Family Jewels� CIA documents

Nowhere To Run 03-21-07 w/ guest Robert Duncan O’Finioan

In this a special two hour episode Chris interviews government whistle blower and former participant in MK-ULTRA type and other mind control projects, His name is Robert Duncan O’Finioan.

He gives two straight hours of detailed information about various aspects of his experience. This interview goes where none have gone before with Mr. O’Finioan. He answers all the questions posed online about the validity of his claims, and Chris and him seem to figure out some very important facts.. New important info here!
